its 9/23: should I have not expected an email/downloads for komplete 15 at midnight?

I am pissed off. As per usual Native Instruments, leaving us paying customers in the dark. We could have just ripped this off w a code… but here I am, pissed off. I stayed up for this. Stupid for them not to release it for the weekend. It is past midnight, tell me Native-Instuments: when may I go to bed? I need to do this RIGHT NOW. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Best Answers

  • Mollie Artist Works
    Mollie Artist Works Member Posts: 11 Member
    Answer ✓

    "hank you for reaching out to Native Instruments.


    The product will be released during the day. We ask you for some patience, the product will be avilable soon!"

  • Mollie Artist Works
    Mollie Artist Works Member Posts: 11 Member
    Answer ✓

    I am downloading Komplete 15 nowwwwww! 6:32AM.😀



  • Mollie Artist Works
    Mollie Artist Works Member Posts: 11 Member

    12:31 AM now.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    You may go to bed. In fact, you probably should. You seem angry, and that won't do you any good.

  • Mollie Artist Works
    Mollie Artist Works Member Posts: 11 Member

    I got ****** to do!

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    I'm sure you do. But your first post is really a bit childish. Nobody is ripping you off. Be patient. Go take a nap. I'm serious, it will probably better equip you to deal with any disappointments you might have. Go on, take a snooze. We'll be quiet here until you wake up. 🤫

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Well, it depends, where. Your timezone is 6 hours ahead.

  • F1308
    F1308 Member Posts: 88 Helper

    Oh Native Instruments, where could you be?

    I paid for Komplete 15 CE, can’t you see?

    Two days have passed, and still no sign,

    Of links or serials, oh how I pine.

    Perhaps my upgrade’s on a cosmic quest,

    Traveling from Mars, it must be the best!

    Through space and time, it makes its way,

    To land in my inbox, any day.

    So I’ll keep waiting, with patience and cheer,

    Hoping my upgrade will soon appear.

    For when it does, the music will flow,

    And all this waiting will be worth it, you know!

  • F1308
    F1308 Member Posts: 88 Helper

    Anyway, I do agree with...

    its 9/23: should I have not expected an email/downloads for komplete 15 at midnight?

  • Ty Barron
    Ty Barron Member Posts: 9 Member

    Cool poem. Nothing we do in anger is worthwhile I guess - and I get angry. I am not a phony person - if I get mad, you will know it…. The issue is when you say you will do something, and you don't follow through - you let people down. It's not funny, and it can affect lives in different ways. No one has a road map for what is happening inside another person, so people and businesses should not make promises they can't keep. I am trying to look after my son and my wife and I just had a massive fight over me checking the computer for this all the time. Not NI problem - but it is affecting lives in different ways.

  • LoveEnigma
    LoveEnigma Member Posts: 123 Advisor

    Ordered my Komplete 15 (an Update) from Best Service last week and the serial number has just arrived, which is fantastic!

    So, I think it should be a matter of hours before everyone starts getting serial numbers for their pre-order/order.

    I believe NI (and most likely resellers too) processes pre-orders first, so if you are pre-ordered you could get it very shortly.

  • Ty Barron
    Ty Barron Member Posts: 9 Member

    See if NI were my company, I would send a little message saying - 'Chill guys, were having a couple of issues and we will deliver on our word as soon as possible."

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    Wow! I find it incredible that anyone would take it quite so literally.

    NI say the 23rd and people are sitting and waiting for the clock to tick over, expecting the product to be there within a split second. 🙄

    It's going to be the 23rd for a whole 24 hours folks.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    Newsflash. The world is a big place, with many time zones. Business is not just conducted by the clock in one zone.

  • Ty Barron
    Ty Barron Member Posts: 9 Member

    Wow, you are sarcastic and an expert poster. I was just expressing how I felt because I expect delivery of an online product from a company that has had my money for three weeks on the day. I think I'll leave this domain to you. 1536 posts! Cool.

  • cerebellum64
    cerebellum64 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Where did you see 23rd September? I also remember this date but I cannot find it now anywhere.

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