Traktor 4 sound quality issue



  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro
    edited September 2024

    Intel shouldn't really have any latency issues, Traktor Pro 3/4 even runs smoothly on Intel Atom cores (Even if this is not mentioned in the minimum requirements). 😅

    I guess there is an individual problem that needs to be addressed.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    It's not really down to whether or not the CPU is Intel. Many computers now are designed to be as efficient as possible, trying to be green and saving power - which can cause problems for certain applications.

    Read this article: Low latency audio laptops

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro
    edited September 2024

    But that doesn't explain why Traktor Pro 3 runs normally and 4 doesn't; everyone seems to be overlooking that.

    It would be good if the OP post the necessary screenshot so that we can get an insight into it.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    As mentioned earlier, 4 is not 3. It's newer, has more features, so presumably takes more resources to run.

    If the computer has a threshold below which there are no audio issues, then presumably 3 was running below that threshold and 4 is above it, and therefore causing issues. If the system has not been optimised then the user was just lucky that 3 was able to run "below the radar".

  • mediK
    mediK Member Posts: 35 Member

    To be honest, I really don't care about using Windows security features. MS has done nothing but create a bloated OS by introducing new "features".I had to debloat my entire Windows install, just to make it pleasurable for use.

    I use Linux as my main driver until I switch over to MacOS. Until then, the Windows partition I use is only for mixing. So turning off these security features isn't really a concern.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    As far as I know 4 is the same as 3, expect the optional new compressor/limiter thing.

    You can try switching back or disabling that.

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    It feels like both work the same for me, even though I initially thought that 4 uses more resources.

    At the beginning I had a high buffer usage right after the start, but I haven't noticed that anymore and it was probably a bug?

    However, I have to say that in my case I'm just mixing two decks. To be honest, I can't say whether the load on other functions has increased.

    Even though things are going well for most people, your resources have increased with 4?

    Maybe it really was borderline for him at 3, that would be really bad luck.

  • Terb
    Terb Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I've been having sound issues for the last 2 years and have tried various recommended procedures to reduce problems and conflicts with Traktor pro on a windows 11 laptop. One thing that may not be obvious is that on some Windows 11 systems (mine included) there is an inbuilt feature called modern standby that has been activated by default. Even though you can go to power options in the system tray (or settings/power) and select best performance, the operating system will only ever have the balanced option enabled and possibly no way to turn the other settings on including not being able to change USB suspend settings (there is no option under this plan). you can see this when you open the (old school) control panel app from the search bar and then go to hardware and sound/power options. If balanced is your only option then follow an online tutorial directions to restore other high performance plans. Sorry I can't throw a link to help because I am new to the forum as a poster.

    FYI, I have currently have an Alienware 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H 2.30 GHz, 32GB RAM and have had tracks randomly slow down at times and deck lockups/ audio crackling etc, mostly in loops cruising mode but also occasionally while performing. I have been using Traktor Pro 2/3/4 and S4 MK2 & MK3 progressively since 2016. Hopefully this might help someone.

  • MrRomo
    MrRomo Member Posts: 6 Member

    I been messing around with 4 since release and stress testing it in every way possible.

    I can get what you are describing when I have a lot running in the background… by a lot i mean 2 web browsers, Virtual DJ, Anydesk, OBS, and handfull of other random ******, plus its razer laptop, so razer bloat.

    Also, I have a minimal boot normally, nothing but the required win11 stuff (including windows security and nvidia control panel), plus the "required" razor bloat (i like my colorful keyboard), and Throttlestop. Which is how I normally use it. However like I said, I like to stress the system because what can happen will happen… on stage.

    So back to your issue. With all the extra stuff running I get exactly what you describe. Interestingly enough my CPU is only peaking at about 75% (in the Traktor meter). Looking at it through windows Im seeing the HD peak up here and there which appears to coincide with slowdowns, And the CPU spiking which appears to coincide with the pops & distortion.

    Im running at 10th Gen i7, 10750H, 64gb ram, no overclock. My settings are similar to yours, although I run at a 96000Hz Sample rate. Same 512 buffer, 11.3ms. Oh and I always use the ASIO driver if its available.

    Again, the meter in T4 is not going orange, but is pressing up to 75-80%. I can see otherwise in task manager and this happens. Easier to replicate the popping and such by running a stems separation while tracks are playing. When doing the separation I do see the CPU meter spike to 100%. But sounds the same.

    Try running Throttlestop and use default settings, and make sure the following 4 boxes are checked:
    Disable Turbo

    Someone here is probably far more experienced with it, so maybe there are other settings to be used, but these definitely help my situation out.

    Everything else unchecked. Then boot traktor 4 up and see if its still happening. What might be happening is the "Turbo" mode might be causing the problem. FYI Turbo mode is just… stupid. My understanding is it works by starving the others cores to push a single core to max. Not only does it generate a lot of heat, it also essentially disables multicore. Traktors CPU meter reads (i think, not sure, but seems to coincide with what I see) the average of the system cores (or something). Disabling turbo seems to (just looking at resource meter) seems to keep things spread out across all the cores.

    Hopefully it works out for you like it did me. System to system its different. Let us know how it goes.

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