Where can I find Maschine Software to install in my new computer??

invictor Member Posts: 12 Member

I have a registered Maschine MK2 and would like to install Maschine Software in my new computer, but Native Access doesn't shows it.

How can I have it downloaded?

Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓

    Olá, tudo bem? 👋

    Maschine V1 is not support on modern MacOS because it's super old, thats how it is on the Mac world, but Maschine V2 is indeed supported on modern MacOS as is the MK2 controller.

    You dont need to install V1 to install V2, they are separate major versions.

    Just be aware that MacOS Sequoia is brand new, so not officially supported but all prior versions should work fine.

    Now the question here is if you really have a V1 license to be eligible to just buy the Upgrade to V2 or not, or if you're fine with just Maschine Essentials v2 which is even cheaper at the cost of having a smaller library (mostly samples and whatnot)

    Another options is buying an M32 keyboard which comes with MAS-Essentials, it's around 99$ so for around the same price you get the V2 + a mini keyboard.


  • JiiJii300
    JiiJii300 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Looks like it's impossible. I have Maschine mikro mk2 and can't download the software or contact the support or anything. I will never ever buy anything from NI ever again.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Normally I would urge you both to not give up. But I'm quite exhausted this evening.

    If you wish to get help, please tell us more about your environment. Mac/PC, what version of the OS, what version of Native Access, and what happens when you go to add your Maschine to Native Access.

    And don't just say "blank screen" or "doesn't work". Give us some detail to go on. Help us to help you, and maybe somebody will be able to do just that.

    Or you can open a ticket. Look around on the NI site; the link is there.

    Or you can stomp off in anger and keep to your "never ever buy anything from NI ever again" attitude. Just don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

    Those are your choices. Good luck!

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 284 Pro

    When you look at your products on the website, what do you see? https://www.native-instruments.com/en/my-account/my-products-serials-downloads/ (obviously don't tell us the codes.)

    If it was Maschine 1 you had, you'll need to follow

  • invictor
    invictor Member Posts: 12 Member

    Maybe it was Maschine 1. So I will try downloading it and then upgrade it for the 2. If it works, I will tell it here.

  • invictor
    invictor Member Posts: 12 Member

    These are the products I see. There is no Maschnie Software maybe because it should be Maschine 1, that I got in a installation disk (DVD).

  • invictor
    invictor Member Posts: 12 Member

    Trying to install Maschine 1, my Macbook Pro m3Pro showed the message that the version is not compatible with theMacOS version and tells that I should contact the manufacturer.

    Native Instruments, can you help me?

    Can I upgrade to Maschine 2 or I need to buy it full?

  • invictor
    invictor Member Posts: 12 Member

    My new doubt is: How can I get Maschine 2 upgrade if my current MacOS do not allows the installation of my registered Maschine 1?

  • invictor
    invictor Member Posts: 12 Member

    Yes, it is a paid update that is cheaper than buying a full Maschine 2 software. That is my point.

    Once I have Maschine 1 software, I naturally prefer paying the cheaper option to get Maschine 2.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru
    edited September 2024

    Okay, a couple of questions:

    • What version of Mac/OS are you running?
    • How is it that you think you'll get a cheaper copy of Maschine 2 than $69?

    That's what Maschine Essentials costs, and it contains the software and the library.

    And as far as I can tell, it's for people who have Maschine but don't have the software. As such, you don't need to provide a serial number for authorization.

    --> Link <--

    • Worst case scenario is that you can't use Essentials for some reason or another, and you have to get the Maschine Upgrade offer for $99 as noted by @PoorFellow above.

    I doubt you'll find any options cheaper than those.

  • victorp.sg
    victorp.sg Member Posts: 180 Advisor
    edited September 2024

    Maschine [2] Essential (ME) is the full Maschine 2 software with Maschine Factory Selection library—a scale down version of the full Maschine Factory Library. ME is bundled with Maschine Mikro, Komplete Keyboards and Komplete Audio. By purchasing the Maschine 2 Factory Library Upgrade (https://www.native-instruments.com/en/pricing/upgrade-your-library/), ME users will have the full Maschine 2 software with the full Factory Library similar to Maschine Mk3 users.

    Maschine 2 Software Update (https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/maschine/maschine-accessories/maschine-2.0-software-update/) is only for users who are still using Maschine 1 software, so by purchasing the Software Update, Maschine 1 software users will get the full Maschine 2 software with the full Factory Library.

    @invictor, Maschine 1 software is very old software and also not compatible with current Apple silicon computers—the installer will not even let you install the software on your MacBook Pro M3 Pro. Meanwhile, based on your screenshots of you NI products you have, I don't see any item similar to "Maschine [version] for Maschine [HW/MK2]" listed. Without this particular base product, Native Access will not allow you to install Maschine 2 Software Update, and even if you manage to install Maschine 2 Software [Update] outside of Native Access, Native Access will render it in Demo mode. I strongly suggest you contact NI Account Support (https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/sections/18115022767005) via the online Support form (scroll down the Support page and click on Contact Support button. Ask them about your missing bundle software for your MASCHINE Mk2 BLACK hw in your user account.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓

    Olá, tudo bem? 👋

    Maschine V1 is not support on modern MacOS because it's super old, thats how it is on the Mac world, but Maschine V2 is indeed supported on modern MacOS as is the MK2 controller.

    You dont need to install V1 to install V2, they are separate major versions.

    Just be aware that MacOS Sequoia is brand new, so not officially supported but all prior versions should work fine.

    Now the question here is if you really have a V1 license to be eligible to just buy the Upgrade to V2 or not, or if you're fine with just Maschine Essentials v2 which is even cheaper at the cost of having a smaller library (mostly samples and whatnot)

    Another options is buying an M32 keyboard which comes with MAS-Essentials, it's around 99$ so for around the same price you get the V2 + a mini keyboard.

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