Please fix browsing experience in Kontrol MK3

dunego Member Posts: 22 Member

When you load an instrument and want to avoid mouse, and want to browse in the controller but you realize it doesn't recognize preset folders and stuff so you have to browse through tags that often doesn't work too much specially when using third party plugins and custom preset banks ( often commercially sold ). Like today I wanted to browse into a specific preset developer into Diva, and the plugin next or previous button will go to the next or previous INSIDE the folder we are into, but the next or previous button on komplete won't, it will browse alphabetically inside the whole library which often is useless. I even tried to manually map it but (and that's another thing I don't really understand about plugin developers when it happens) the program change ( next or previous preset button) isn't midi mappable. I just wanted the browse buttons on komplete ( next/previous) worked like the same function buttons on the plugins.


  • Mizikboy
    Mizikboy Member Posts: 9 Member

    I'm experiencing the same issue with MK3, and it's really frustrating. I know I'm not the only one, so please, guys, focus on fixing these problems instead of just releasing new VSTs. We need these core issues resolved!"

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