Keybed Sensitivity

Krazee Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I bought an S88 Mk3 about a couple of months ago along with a Maschine Plus. I have just started to use the keyboard after updates of firmware and installation of software. I have Komplete 14 Collectors.

My problem is the Keybed Sensitivity. With the bed being a Fatar bed and fully weighted keys, I expected it to be like my S88 Mk1, on which I could play Alicia's Keys like I had the piano in front of me. The thing is, the sensitivity is such that on Velocity Linear it is too soft and I really have to hammer down on the keys to get some volume change (the sound of me pressing the keys is louder than what comes out my speakers. I have tried changing the sensitivity to Velocity Hard 3 and even Velocity Soft 3 but there doesn't appear to be any difference in any of the settings. If I use the fixed vel button, I am blasted by the piano sound so I know something is holding the velocity at a low setting, almost like it's stuck on Soft 3? I notice the manual is different as it says Curve Linear so I am assuming there was a change in the firmware update, I am on 3.20.0 and Hardware Connection Service 1.7.6.

Any suggestions?


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod


    normally the soft setting should be the ones you choose in your case. I can check tomorrow on my s49 MK3 even if it's not the same I guess the software is. Also have a look in the kontakt instrument settings, they also have often own velocity settings. And maybe someone else with an s88 MK3 can help here too.

  • uforea
    uforea Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    did you manage to get it fixed? i have the same issue

  • Krazee
    Krazee Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Not yet, talking to Native support

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 339 Pro
    edited October 2024

    I just picked up a S88 Mk3 and noticed the same thing, BUT for me, it's only an issue when playing NI Kontakt 8.

    Test : It's Very obvious if you load eg: Noire, play notes testing the 6 different velocity settings, then load Arturia Piano V. You'll notice Arturia's Piano V responds correctly while NI's own Noire struggles to reach velocity settings correctly with the S88 Mk3.

    Conclusion : I have zero issues with the velocity settings when using the S88 MK3 when playing any other 3rd party instruments in Komplete Kontrol ( v3.3.3 ) , so this makes me think the velocity settings on the S88 aren't calibrated correctly with Kontakt ( v8.1 )

    I think NI should update the S88 Mk3 firmware to fix the velocity settings and add more options to satisfy the majority of players.I will test if you guys need a beta tester.I also think the s88 Mk3 will benefit from it, and softer handed players will like it ALOT more if so. I can play heavier actions ,but this is noticeable enough to post and support the OP's concern with the velocity settings.

    Great Job Native Instruments, I'd just like to see a few more velocity sensitivity settings myself, and sell us some add on faders to sit on top of the board :)

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