X1 MK3: GAIN controls needed for Remix Decks C and D

Claashollwegs Member Posts: 26 Member

Hi Guys,
I recently purchased 2 x X1 MK3 in order to have 4 decks availble
My setup:
- 1 Z1 (controls decks A and B to be used as regular track decks, provides GAIN!!!)
- 1st X1 (FX controls for all 4 decks, track selection for A and B, and so on)
- 2 x F1 (selection and control of remix sets and STEMS for Decks C and D, BUT NO GAIN!!!)
- 2nd X1 (controls decks C and D, EQ, sound Volume, BUT NO GAIN!!!)

If not available (i did not find yet), i would like to to control the GAIN output of decks C and D since the sound level vary quite a lot, so i would like to adjust the GAIN with a wheel turn and not by using the trackpad and fiddle with the TRAKTOR User Interface.

My question(s):
Is there a interface Knob with a modifier (Shift) to adjust the GAIN level that i don't know of yet, or do i have to add a mapping controller to map a certain control for the GAIN of decks C and D?

I found a tutorial for the mapping controller, but i have no experience with this:
So i do not dare killing the default mapping…
Will it restore to the default mapping when deleting the new assignment?

And lastly:
Is there a default mapping for let's say the the volume knob (lowest knob in Mixer Mode) using e.g. the shift-modifier?

Sorry if this all sounds stupid and novice-ish, i just try to get a grip on those options and controls.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks and alle the best!



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,218 mod

    Check out my signature for a X1Mk3 mod. It has optional gain controls and other goodies. May contain what you need.

  • Claashollwegs
    Claashollwegs Member Posts: 26 Member

    Wow, that was quick!
    Those are a hell of a lot of mods though…
    Is there a way to only map knob 4 with shift as modfier to enable GAIN?
    I'd like to learn to walk before i can learn to fly.
    Can i delete all other mods from the assingment table to only have the GAIN mod remain?
    I just got used to the default controls of the X1 and would like to keep it that way for the moment…
    I could use a stept by step manual…

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,218 mod

    Those are qml-mods, so they have nothing in the assignment table.

    For TP 4 there are only two mods, the browser-mod (with a few extras) and the minimal mod (that subtracts the mixer-mode and fine tunes the tempo controls). The first also provides gain controls and includes screen feedback. Although you may have gotten used to the standard x1 functions, i suggest you give it a try. It looks like a lot has changed, but in reality there are minimal adjustments apart from the browser only mode. Take your time to read the list of changes. The workflow of the x1 doesn't change much at all. The most coomplicated thing is the user accesible custom switches (to turn on or off some of the new functions) that you can access in the x1 panel of preferences for which i made a JPG overview.

    The installation description is right at the beginning.

    If there are any questions left, ask away. It's a project i started for the community so i am open to suggestions. Currently i am working on adding stem controls for the FX section.

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