Unable to update

Eric Eric
Eric Eric Member Posts: 2 Newcomer


I have a Maschine Jam

I can't get Native Access to work.

My operating system is Windows 7 64 SP1

I installed the old version of Native Access that is recommended on the site for my operating system, V1.14

When I try to connect, I get the following message: no compatible update found (download failed) See the attached photo,

I followed all the tutorials regarding this error. I disabled the firewall, the antivirus, I positioned the proxies as needed, etc.

Nothing to do, impossible to download anything.

I deleted all the programs thinking I could start the installation again properly, nothing to do

So I have nothing left, the controller is no longer of any use to me

Can you help me please

Thank you very much



  • Al Al
    Al Al Member Posts: 5 Member

    I am having the EXACT same problem.

    I have even tried to activate Kontakt Player 6 (v 6.6.1) on an Internet-Connected Win10 machine with little success.

    I was hoping that if Kontakt Player 6 was activated I could somehow put this across to my Win 7 PC (which is where all my music apps are)

    Any ideas would be welcome.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert
    edited September 2024

    Bad news - Native Access v1 is now unsupported and retired.

    Windows 7 has been unsupported and retired since Jan 2020. Nothing you can do there.

    Good news - Kontakt v6.8.0 (last release version) via Native Access v3.13.0 on Windows 10 22H2 - works just fine.


  • Al Al
    Al Al Member Posts: 5 Member

    I guess it is bad news….

    I am not about to trash a fully-functioning DAW (and associated) that is Windows 7 Based and is operating and giving me everything I require from a DAW just so I can "test" whether Kontakt and the associated libraries are going to be a "point of difference" to me.

    The reason Windows 7 (at the moment) is my preferred OS is because the hardware I have (Profire 2626) works flawlessly with it and, despite hours upon hours of config changes and testing, I couldn't get the drivers to behave for this device on Windows 10. So that's the reason why Win 7 remains the OS I will stay with until I perform a "large-scale" update of hardware.

    Every app I use also works flawlessly on this system (especially since I ditched Cubase and went with with an alternative which - on my system - leaves Cubase in its dust). Helps that I can continue to operate most of my VTS's as well.

    Also, with the range of hardware and software synths that I have (including sampling capability), Kontakt would have been a "great to have" as opposed to a "need to have".

    The funny thing here is that I load the much more inferior-rated Sampletank 4 onto the machine (with it's own "software download management system") and it works fine and the sample content contain could be definitely useable with a few tweaks (in fact, I am almost now committed to giving IK Multimedia some money for this because it DOES work).

    Most of the reviews I have read put Kontakt significantly ahead of Sampletank as a platform…but if I can't use it because the software management system doesn't run in my OS to allow me to download a component the NI website indicates works under that OS, then I don't have any other option.

    As mentioned, I even tried to activate Kontakt v6.8.0 on a connected Win10 machine in the hope that I could then transfer the software manually to the Win 7 DAW, but the NI couldn't even help with this!

    I must also state that, upon reading a few posts in the NI Community, I'm not the only one who fails to see the shortcomings in the way Native Access operates.

    A real pity as - had the Kontakt Player 6 and sample files been any good and/or useable, I would likely have purchased the full licence to take advantage of the plethora of other VST that have been produced for this platform.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert
    edited September 2024

    @Al Al

    "I am not about to trash a fully-functioning DAW (and associated) that is Windows 7 Based and is operating and giving me everything I require from a DAW just so I can "test" whether Kontakt and the associated libraries are going to be a "point of difference" to me."

    No one is saying you need to trash a perfectly good working DAW. Kontakt 6.80 is perfectly functional and I am sure Win 7 is as well.

    What we are saying is your specific DAWs prime time has long since passed and if you want to use more up to date software - you simply must consider getting up to date.

    Enjoy what you have - the way you have it. But forget about using any new stuff and you will be just fine.


  • Al Al
    Al Al Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thanks VP

    However, the point is that, although NI does offer a version of Kontakt that works under Windows 7, their versions of Native Access do not.

    And you need Native Access to download and activate Kontakt 6.80 on aWin 7 machine.

    So NI do support "legacy" systems, but they have removed the capability to download these application on a legacy system.

    That is the problem.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert

    Well - the "problem" is not with the version of Kontakt. The reality is (and always has been) that all vendors can only support operating systems that are in turn fully supported by the vendor that made them.

    In this case - Microsoft officially retired Windows 7 on Jan 12, 2020. Effectively ending any and all possible support vectors for any third party vendor and their products (including NI).

    No vendor would ever devote time, talent and resources to sustaining any product under an OS that is no supported. (by MS in this case).

    Apple does this same thing with lethal regularity as well. Their users simply shrug it off and buy a new Mac.

    I should also mention that NI DID allow Native Access v1 to continue running for the better part of the last 4 years - which is quite generous considering they did not have to do anything post Jan 2020.

    So - the real "problem" here is Windows 7 and your choice to run it.

    Kontakt 6.80 is fully supported under Native Access v3.13.0 and Windows 10/11. That said - it remains your choice to run whatever you want - but that does not equate to the world having to support any retired software that you decide to use.

    Any way you want to slice this - you are holding yourself back from standard use of your NI product by choosing to use Windows 7.


  • Eric Eric
    Eric Eric Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks for your answers, I understand better why nothing works anymore, I made the mistake of uninstalling everything. Too bad for me (apparently)
    Being disadvantaged by the choice to keep an operating system that works very well with all my music software (all except NI's) Having paid 400 euros for a machine to have to scrap it because it would be absolutely necessary to follow the mad race of developers or something, otherwise we are good for the scrapyard, thank you very much!

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro
    edited September 2024

    Well, nobody can really talk about a race between developers because Windows 7 was released on October 22, 2009!

    It is also advisable not to allow this device to access the Internet as it is a security risk for you and all other users on the Internet!

    I can only strongly advise to stop using this outdated security risk and switch to something more current with Windows 11.

  • Al Al
    Al Al Member Posts: 5 Member

    All the comment are fair enough…
    So then Native Instruments should NOT advertise the fact that their 6.8.0 version of Kontakt "works under the Windows 7 operating system" - but they clearly DO state that and they clearly DO post "legacy" versions of their products that they report run under older operating systems.

    I understand the arguments people post about "upgrading" outdated information and accept all that.

    But, for some of us, updating an operating system comes at the significant cost of upgrading ALL hardware and software investments that people have made. It's not just a $800-$1000 investment in a new PC and software, as mention, my existing hardware gear will ALSO need to be upgraded.

    And frankly, aside from the desire to try out Kontakt, nothing "broken" so nothing needs "fixing".

    And that was the original question - how can I get a NI product to work on my system when NI themselves say that my system is supported by a software version that I should be able to download from their site (according to THEIR advise).

    this is not about myself or Eric going out on a limb and trying to do something that Native Instruments publishes is not possible - they themselves OFFER 6.8.0 for those of us on Win 7 - they just don't tell us that there is no possible way we can download it.

    Perhaps the problem is avoided if they bother updating their website to just say so - problem averted!!!

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert

    @Al Al

    "So then Native Instruments should NOT advertise the fact that their 6.8.0 version of Kontakt "works under the Windows 7 operating system" 

    Where exactly are you seeing this?

    I will venture a guess that whatever you are seeing is very old and has not been updated for (possibly) years.

    The easiest shortcut to apply to anything on the Internet - if there is any reference to Windows 7 - anywhere - automatically assume the product (that you are trying to get working with that OS) is 100% unsupported.

    Regardless of what is written.


  • Al Al
    Al Al Member Posts: 5 Member


    Here's the link on NI's actual website….

    Here's also a direct quote from that page…

    "Note: If an older NI Product is not listed in this table, this means the legacy product is not compatible with Windows 7, 8, or 10."

    I assumed nothing aside from what Native Instruments themselves made available as "information" on their very own website.

    Everything you say is true - it's why I don't try to download versions of software from ANY product vendor if my system will not support said software - be it OS, CPU compatibility, RAM requirements, GFX card requirements and so on.

    And here's another link/reference - again accessible from the Native Instruments website directly…

    The text shown here states the following:

    " The table below provides download links to the last compatible Kontakt (Player) versions that can be installed on operating systems no longer supported by Native Instruments. Click on the link corresponding to your operating system to download the full installer. "

    The table shows link to Kontakt 5 (Player), Kontakt 6 (Player) and Kontakt 7 (player) - so it would appear to be an up to date web page with links to the CURRENT version. The table then lists which versions are compatible with which operating systems (including both Mac and Windows).
    The web page closes out with the following statement:

    " Note: If you cannot install Kontakt 7.6.0 (or higher) on your operating system, please make sure to download a compatible version of Kontakt Factory Library 2: Download


    1. Users of OS X 10.9 up to macOS 10.15 can install the last compatible Native Access version for those operating systems from this page.
    2. Open Native Access and log in with your NI account's email address and password. Kontakt will be automatically activated after the login."

    As I have stated, I can only go on what a vendor's information tells me

    NI tells me they have legacy versions of their products that I should use if I have a particular OS that I want to run their software on.

    I don't know why you can't acknowledge that their website is either misleading, or they have simply not bothered to update it.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert

    @Al Al

    "I don't know why you can't acknowledge that their website is either misleading, or they have simply not bothered to update it."

    Not sure where you got this idea - their website IS outdated in many places and there IS a ton of stuff to fix.

    I am agreeing with you 100%

    The biggest issue on your end is Windows 7. Regardless how bad their site is - and it is VERY bad in places - the bottom line is that Windows 7 is retired.

    If you encounter any references to it - anywhere out there - that should instantly tell you that what you are reading - is extremely old news and should be taken as "unsupported".

    And this:

    "As I have stated, I can only go on what a vendor's information tells me"

    is a bit hard to accept when the whole world should know that MS retired Windows 7 over 4 years ago.

    This is like me seeing a reference to Windows XP on a super outdated vendor site - do I automatically assume just because their goofy old website tells me that a specific piece of software is/was supported in Windows XP - that I should automatically install it?

    This back and forth in here has already cost you more time than it would have taken to upgrade to Windows 10 and move on with your stuff.

    Don't you want to actually use the software you have? Or just go back and forth on something that is never going to change?


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Always the same old story…

    The point is always the same: NI should not block people to use what they paid for…

    That version works with Windows 7? I have Windows 7? It should be possible to install it.


    All the speculations about why people use Windows 7, about how is better to be up to date, about thinking that 4 years is “very old”… should have nothing to do with this.

    Simply a company is blocking their users hoping they will update and give them more money. And they should not be able to do this

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert


    100% agree with you.

    Yes - there should be a tool/method/process to install what you want - when on want - on whatever OS you want.

    But suggesting that and building that - are two very different (and overhead intensive/expensive) asks.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited September 2024

    It was called Service Centre.

    It was already there. Nothing to build, and surely not intensive/expensive.

    They abandoned it for Native Access exactly to be able to do what they want.

    Or it would be enough to use the old method to add the key in the program itself.

    Or simply just not remove the programs from Native Access.

    As you can see, the methods are there…and easy…if just they want…

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