randomly choked sounds when playing drum libraries

christophe severs
christophe severs Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I have a strange issue where I get long, half long or shortened (choked)drums sounds when playing them through the mk3 S88. completely random glitches

When playing the same channel on a different midi keyboard the issue does not occur

Does anybody know how to fix this

PS I use cubase


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru

    I've had no problems like this with any of my drum libraries whether from NI or third parties on my S88MK3. I suspect you have have accidentally configured something in your keyboard or DAW that sends a NOTE OFF command when you release the key.

  • christophe severs
    christophe severs Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    i have checked all midi channels and sysex,nothing.

    and it's also not always and other keyboards don't have the issue, so it must be something else

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