Native Access for Win7?



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Some SW is usable for decades, there is no obstacle from company that has developed that. NI does not fullfill the old EULA and their SW cannot be authorised on older OSes and so sooner or later cannot be used on them.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert

    Logically - sure - some software could be used forever. But that is not realistic and definitely not possible in this specific case. You and I do not get to make the rules or have any say here.

    And BTW - this "EULA" talk is getting stale.

    Either make your point and do something about it legally or gently drop it.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I am not affected, so far, so no reason for legal solution. I may use everything I need on Win10.

    But, if I will be affected one day (for example Absynth), I will sue. Things like that should not happen and companies should be aware of it.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert
    edited August 2024

    Let us know if will act on Absynth.

    It's only a matter of time for that one.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    I guess I've resigned myself to the fact that my Komplete stuff is just going to have to stay as it is and not updated. This said, it all still works, thankfully.

    If this is your situation then do yourself a favor and take an image based hard drive backup of all involved hard drives so that you can restore it all in case of any drive break downs or any software mishaps !

    That said - if NI could pull off some sort of offline authorization before Feb 2025 - it would be pretty cool.

    In my opinion not going to happen , that would mean N.I. throwing money at something that gives no direct measurable financial return !

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert


    Let us know if will act on Absynth.

    It's only a matter of time for that one.

    For sure, I will. I am about to send NI legal warning not to even think about termination of authorisation of Absynth. So, that they cannot say, ohh we did not know beforehand….

    Even current EULA gives many options for customer.

  • Midiman Mike
    Midiman Mike Member Posts: 3 Member

    A Journey Through the NA Gauntlet

  • Midiman Mike
    Midiman Mike Member Posts: 3 Member

    P.S. addendum to "A Journey Through the NA Gauntlet" (MS Word Doc)

    A quick read about my NA1 error experiences and solution, as well as my overall thoughts regarding ideas I have read in this thread…

  • Midiman Mike
    Midiman Mike Member Posts: 3 Member

    Yes we have created an NI1 workaround that can register libraries. Not sure if it will do any downloading yet. It was quite a maze of a workaround so we created a step-by-step guide to implementing it and several users have succeeding in once again being able to use NA1!

    MidiMan 007 (at VI-Control)

    Search: "Native Access Please Come Home" at VI-Control

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    So far, so good.

    But if NI will not introduce offline authorisation that will be compatible also with Controll Center soon, than just half year to go.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    do yourself a favor and take an image based hard drive backup of all involved hard drives so that you can restore it all in case of any drive break downs or any software mishaps !

    Correct me if Im wrong please but I thought this wasn't possible. Im sure I've seen somewhere in NI documentation that its not recommended. So if Im wrong, what am I missing and what is your solution for Mac?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod
    edited August 2024

    Im sure I've seen somewhere in NI documentation that its not recommended.

    Topic for this thread created by the person that I responded to is "Native Access for Win7?". Personally I have never read anything about N.I. recommending not using Windows backup. Maybe you are confusing things ? You might be thinking about N.I. discourages the use of Apple Time Machine ? . I don't know the particulars of Apple Time Machine , but what I recommended were drive image based backups of Windows system drive and in this case also of data drive (to be on the safe side) (While system drive image backup is imperative then usually a file backup of the data drive ought to suffice for data part). For Windows I usually always recommends Paragon Backup & Recovery , it comes in a free edition and the price of the paid version is fair IMO , also it's very reliable software made by a company with many years in the business. If there is an apple equivalent of such software and what is is called I have no idea , but that is the type of software and backup that I have been referring the Windows user to use.

    P.S. : Of course then if taking (Windows) backups of more drives (e.g. system+content) then one ought to take backup of both at the same time (when in 'synchronized' state) so that the 'Content' library state correctly corresponds to what the state of installed programs expects.

    P.S. 2 : The Paragon Backup & Recovery page says that there is also a Mac version but I do not know anything about the Mac version.

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