Loop Loft Odd Meter Drum Loops

acerbicinq Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 22 in Native Access

I'm a little late to the revelation that Native acquired The Loop Loft. I meant to buy their complete bundle of Odd Meter Drum loops ages ago since I primarily work in odd meter, but held off since I wasn't in the 'drum refinement' stage of my music-making, so I used Logic Pro's built-in drummer as a stand in.

Now I'm ready for that stage of refining my drums the way I want, and I set out to purchase the complete bundle, however, I can't see them anywhere. Would anyone know how I could purchase them? It'd be a great help. 🙂

Best Answer

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 1,939 Expert
    edited August 18 Answer ✓

    I can't see them anywhere

    You Googled for odd meter drum loops and got no results?

    FYI the former CEO of The Loop Loft now runs a site called Yurt Rock. You can find the loops there.


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