How can I batch process STEM separation?

djbadvlad Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

I'd like to select multiple tracks or folder or playlist and have it separate over night. How do I do this?


Best Answer

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
    edited July 2024 Answer ✓

    This is not possible in Traktor Pro 4 at the moment and will hopefully be added to an update soon.

    The only thing that has worked so far is if I select another track from the playlist during a separation will also send it to the queue. From what I've read, this works without any problems up to a certain amount, depending on the processing power and RAM of your computer. However, if you exceed the threshold, there are problems with the process, which lead to the process being aborted or sometimes even to a crash. My old MBP from 2015 is fine with the amount of 3-4 tracks in a row.

    So we can really only wait until they add this feature or switch to other apps. NUO Stems, for example, can do this.

    edit: the good thing is that I've gotten into the habit of doing other things while I'm waiting that I usually neglect. I correct meta tags that are wrong or add ones that are missing. I work on the grids if there are old songs that could use correction and I organize my playlists :)


  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
    edited July 2024 Answer ✓

    This is not possible in Traktor Pro 4 at the moment and will hopefully be added to an update soon.

    The only thing that has worked so far is if I select another track from the playlist during a separation will also send it to the queue. From what I've read, this works without any problems up to a certain amount, depending on the processing power and RAM of your computer. However, if you exceed the threshold, there are problems with the process, which lead to the process being aborted or sometimes even to a crash. My old MBP from 2015 is fine with the amount of 3-4 tracks in a row.

    So we can really only wait until they add this feature or switch to other apps. NUO Stems, for example, can do this.

    edit: the good thing is that I've gotten into the habit of doing other things while I'm waiting that I usually neglect. I correct meta tags that are wrong or add ones that are missing. I work on the grids if there are old songs that could use correction and I organize my playlists :)

  • djbadvlad
    djbadvlad Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    @Owner i like nuostems however I’d like to see this feature in traktor. I would also be nice to be able to prioritize and deprioritize processing power to this thread/task.

    It would also be smart to have a cloud setup whereas if another user has already processed the same song you can just quickly download it. But I realize that there may be some copyright issues?

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    Good idea with the resource distribution. I no longer generate stems while I'm DJing, but do it as a post-processing of my weekend sets when I go through the archives to see what I've played and where I can remember that I could have used stems.

    Something else about resources as an introduction to your second suggestion: as far as I know, the code is based on iZotop RX and is AI-supported, which means that the whole thing is probably networked somewhere with machine learning in a cloud or database. I don't know for sure though.

    But I don't think we'll ever see your request to be able to download finished stems. Before that, a "live" operation would make more sense, or a tool to adjust the results or make presets.

    Not all songs achieve equally good results. On the one hand, this probably has to do with the algorithm that is used and the settings, which generally produce good results for all types of songs. So at the moment, you still have to expect some compromises. If I take a pop song, for example, which is not mixed well, I can sometimes hear a lot of bleeding on the other tracks. Especially in the vocal area and in the harmonies that share the same frequencies, or were not pro-mixed well in the studio during recording.

  • djbadvlad
    djbadvlad Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    @Owner I'm curious as new algorhythms come out will Traktor have a feature to "re-render" the track for better quality.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    That would be very cool!

  • djbadvlad
    djbadvlad Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    @Owner I would also like to see a dedicated microphone channel on the S4, lol. Seems like a marketing decision was made, not an engineering one. Given that if you want to speak on the micrphone you lose your a deck!

  • djbadvlad
    djbadvlad Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    would be nice to be able to "bind" tracks together (e.g. certain sequential songs sound better in same key or same groove)

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