Stems Relocation Issue in Traktor 4

NooZ Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

I bought the upgrade to Traktor 4 five minutes ago and I've already found something that doesn't work.
Do you need a serious beta tester? Where can I send the request? So, the problem is related to the new stems. They are super cool and fun, but they need to be relocatable like any mp3 because otherwise they have to be regenerated with every installation. In my setup, it is important that all important Traktor data is automatically saved in a folder that I sync with my personal server, and this led me to discover the problem.
Try this: create a stem of a song, then copy the contents from music/traktor/stems to a new directory, configure the new stems directory in Traktor settings, restart, and also run check consistency (I hoped it would work), but the tracks for which you created stems need to be regenerated despite being in the correct folder, otherwise Traktor 4 doesn't see them. Fortunately, when they are regenerated, they retain the same name and don't create a new version with considerable size in the folder, which suggests that it's a bug that can be easily fixed.



  • ilove1981
    ilove1981 Member Posts: 160 Advisor

    Are you copying your collection.nml as well? If not, why not? That's how Traktor links original music files and their Stems equivalent together. What you're attempting to do doesn't sound like a bug, it's a feature that hasn't been implemented yet.

  • NooZ
    NooZ Member Posts: 14 Member

    The collection is always the same. I'm referring to the fact that if you change the folder where the stems are saved and point to a folder with the saved stems, they are not recognized by the software.

  • NooZ
    NooZ Member Posts: 14 Member

    Another possible improvement would be to make the 'generate stems' feature available for multiple selections, as it currently only works individually on a single track selection. This way, one could avoid processing the entire library. If you already have a playlist of 20 songs, processing them one by one and waiting for each to finish is rather tedious.

  • daveb124
    daveb124 Member Posts: 98 Helper

    yes it would be nice to specify the Stems folder in file management in the settings. I just bought a new laptop and had to regenerate the few stems I had processed on my old laptop. I back up my main Traktor folder and music folders to one drive so I can easily switch between laptops and pick up where I left off. but with stems being set in my documents in Windows you cant do that. You need to re-generate each stem on each laptop.

  • daveb124
    daveb124 Member Posts: 98 Helper
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