Project disappear on Maschine Plus

Nieub Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine


I started a new project on maschine plus standalone, i saved it multiple time, and maschine crash and started a new project for no reason.

But when i would re-load my project, I see nothing, the project just desapear.

So i open my SD card on windows and I could see the project. I open it with maschine 2 on windows and it work. So i save it with a other name and replace it on my SD card. But the project still invisible on my Maschine plus.

How can I recover the project file?


Best Answer

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited April 2022 Answer ✓

    Do not use the File list of the most currently used files but use the Browser.


    and make sure you have USER selected.


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited April 2022 Answer ✓

    Do not use the File list of the most currently used files but use the Browser.


    and make sure you have USER selected.

  • Nieub
    Nieub Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Ok thanks you Ozon it worked ! You're great !

  • satbirkira
    satbirkira Member Posts: 9 Newcomer
    edited January 2023

    Just want to say this is the stupidest UI decision imaginable. Like, ALL YOUR FILES ARE NOT IN FILES BUT RATHER IN ANOTHER PLACE WHERE YOU NORMALLY LOAD INSTRUMENTS AND SOUNDS BUT REMEMBER TO CLICK THE USER BUTTON. It's obvious you guys don't have a QA team or UI/UX guys

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    All the items in the Browser are files, but they are not grouped according to a directory structure but attributes, categories and tags. It’s been Maschine’s concept for over a decade. What’s so infuriating about that?

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 406 Pro
    edited January 2023

    It is the disconnect more than anything else really, the main browser is so normalized to me that I even replicate it as much as possible via scripting in Reaper, but the disconnect between how the built in content browser works vs the user browser is and has always been annoying.

    There never should have been a user button (Yes I get it, they have to sell expansions to keep the lights on) and all content should be first class, not some first class (Official Content) and some second class (Unofficial/User content) it just makes the user browser feel a bit tacky if nothing else.

    All they had to do was add an extra crumb of tag Factory/Expansion/NKS/3rd party Expansion/User and have it all on that first class browser, user images for project folders and 3rd party etc etc, it would all feel a s**t ton more unified.

    And honestly, all it takes is for the Product tag to be editable in the tag editor, even if you did still need to go to user.

    (Yes I know a lot can be done with hacks on the desktop, but not on plus)

  • AllTrue the Speaker
    AllTrue the Speaker Member Posts: 0 Newcomer

    I’m new to maschine, Ozon you just saved my ass. Had a great beat made then system crashed and I thought I lost the beat. Wanted to throw the unit out the window. Thank you again

  • Ologun59
    Ologun59 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    hell yeah .thankx Ozon.

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