Why does my kontrol s61 mk3 always crashes when i push the DAW button?

Frank L
Frank L Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited 9:23AM in Komplete Kontrol

when i push the DAW button i stucks in DAW , no more browser ,no more plugin possible . Screen is also not working properly.



  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 897 Guru

    Is the selected/active track in your DAW loaded with Komplete Kontrol and an appropriate instrument?

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 268 Advisor
  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod
    • Do you have a support ticket open yet?
    • I see you're on macOS. Could you update to the latest version of macOS? Apple fixed a number of crashes, including some kernel panics, that were affecting our products among others.
    • I see you're using an Apple M2 machine. Are you connected directly in to a USB-C port? If so, please try using a USB-C data hub in between the KSMK3 and the M2. That typically resolves most instabilities we see. A crash could be symptomatic of a USB-C communication issue.
    • Which DAW are you using? Please ensure you're on at least the version listed here and that it's been set up in the way listed here.
    • Have you installed the latest versions of the following:
      • Komplete Kontrol 3
      • Kontakt 7 (if you own this)
      • NI Hardware Connection Service
      • Kontrol S MK3 firmware

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 897 Guru
    edited July 12

    He didn't say it crashed (despite his title). It simply becomes non responsive based on his description.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod
    edited July 12

    They are describing every symptom of the USB-C connection issue - which is specific to some host machines, and for which the workaround is a USB-C hub.

    That's my working theory for now, with incomplete info.

  • Frank L
    Frank L Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    All the software is up to date . I’m using logic pro and ableton. Installed a usb C hub . It didn’t help . The only thing that is always working in ableton and logic is the keybed. Ableton no control. Logic buttons are working. Screen not working. This can change from day to day.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    What versions of Ableton and Logic are you using? And have you followed the DAW setup steps in the linked article? Which USB-C hub are you using?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    When you say "screen not working" can you describe what that means? What is it displaying?

  • Frank L
    Frank L Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    This is a comment from another user ,same problems : just got my new S88 and was excited to plug it in. I went through the simple steps to set the S88 up with logic. For some reason it locked up and I got a screen that said to restart the S88, so I did. The keyboard has a mind of its own. At times it will lock up and only stay in the DAW mode, other times it just flashes to something different. Sometimes I can load an instrument from the S88 and I can see it on the S88 screen but it will not play through Logic. And the other way around, what's on the computer does not show up on the S88. I updated all of the software before installing the S88. I deleted my preferences in Logic. Has this happened to anyone else???

  • Frank L
    Frank L Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    ableton 12 logic 11

  • Frank L
    Frank L Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    ableton blank screen . Logic screen level meters sometimes working sometimes flashing ,mute button doesn’t work. Sitecom usb c to 4 x usb c .Followed all the steps several times , tried all kind of midi settings.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 897 Guru
    edited July 13

    Okay, just want to check some fundamentals.

    Start with Ableton because that's what I'm using as well.

    Start with an empty project and check everything is working on the interface.

    Select Komplete Kontrol out of your Ableton Plug-ins collection and drag it over to an empty MIDI slot in your project. That should immediately select that track and enable it for recording and pop up a Komplete Kontrol main page where you can select an instrument. Does all of that happen?

    When you select an instrument and it's preset it should open the individual instrument page in Komplete Kontrol and you should be able to play and test it on your keyboard, assuming you have the appropriate basic MIDI and Audio settings in Ableton. Does all of that work and display appropriately?

  • Frank L
    Frank L Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    DunedinDragon thank you for the response.I have no problems with loading instruments or plugins and controlling them in ableton, logic or on the kontrol s61 in stand alone mode. So what you are describing is working. I have problems with the play, record ,.. buttons and the daw button on the kontrol s61, in general the daw mode of the controller isn’t working properly and causes the kontrol s61 to freeze . I have a push controller so for ableton it’s not important that they don’t work.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 897 Guru

    Have you checked the MIDI preferences? Here's my configuration that works perfectly.

    Ignore Line 2 as that's for my S49MK2. Line 1 has Komplete Kontrol S88MK3 as control surface and S88 MK3 Port 2 for Input and Output.

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