Is Traktor Pro 3 comp. with Pioneer Xdj-R1?

SoRemco Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Tech Talks

Hi all!

I'm thinking about buying Traktor Pro 3 software. I want to use it on my laptop and my stand alone controller Pioneer XDJ-R1. I don't know if this is compatible? The Xdj-r1 is not in the list of compatible controllers??

Can somebody tell me? Thank you πŸ‘.

Greetings Remco

Best Answer

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert
    Answer βœ“

    Is the audio interface recognized by your laptop? If it is you should be able to map it to Traktor Pro 3 as it should do MIDI according to technical details on Pioneer DJ site. Get the Traktor Pro 3 demo version and have a try before you buy.


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert
    Answer βœ“

    Is the audio interface recognized by your laptop? If it is you should be able to map it to Traktor Pro 3 as it should do MIDI according to technical details on Pioneer DJ site. Get the Traktor Pro 3 demo version and have a try before you buy.

  • SoRemco
    SoRemco Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thanks Mania! Good advice, I will first download the demo version. Actually easy solution πŸ™ˆπŸ‘

  • SoRemco
    SoRemco Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Ow, another question... after you buy the software Pro 3 (prox. 60 euros) do I have to buy after that updates etc? Or can I use the software 'for evers?

    (sorry for my bad english)

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    If you buy a licence for Traktor Pro 3 you can use Traktor Pro 3 forever. (At least as long you use hardware which still supports it.) Most likely at some point in the future (which could be probably very close right now) there will be Traktor Pro 4 (or however NI will call it) and you will need to buy an upgrade. Usually it costed half of a full new licence. As Traktor Pro ist 119€ usually the upgrade would be probably 59,50€ again if it is released. If you just buy now and TP4 comes in a few weeks you may have luck and there is a grace period. But maybe NI will switch to a subscription model. Or will continue with Traktor Pro 3.12.x and all announced new features are only available for Traktor Pro Plus subscribers. Anybody who knows isn't allowed to tell us today.

  • SoRemco
    SoRemco Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    OK clear. But what I still want to know: if there comes a new version of Traktor it is likely because there are new features in it. But if I dont want to use new features, is it than still positie ro use my "old" version (pro 3 in this case). So no updating, just use the version I buy.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    In theory you still can use Traktor Pro 2 today. At least if you use it on a supported OS. TP2 will not work on newer versions of macOS for example. TP3 will maybe not work on Windows 12 or macOS 16 and wonβ€˜t be updated to do so - if TP4 is already available then.
    New controllers may also require TP4 at some time.

  • SoRemco
    SoRemco Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    OK Maniac. Thanks a lot for your infos!

    Within a couple of days I get my new (referbished) laptop, runing on Windows 11. I will first try to download the demo en connect it with my XDJ-R1 to see if it works 🀞.

    I shall inform you by the time ok?

    Greeting from Holland.


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    You have to consider that Summer of Sound ends tomorrow. Price for a Traktor Pro licence will be 119€ again from Tuesday.

  • SoRemco
    SoRemco Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Yeah I know. But I first have to try the demo if it works. We'll see...

    Thanks a lot for your help!

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