Why doesn't Luna recognize my Komplete control s49?



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    I don't think this is about the Komplete Kontrol version, it's about the keyboard MIDI driver not working to play instruments in Luna for this user

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod
    edited July 2024

    Ok try this

    for the MIDI controller page you should just need the DAW driver - not sure what it is called for the MkI but the 2 that have Ports 1 and 2 should be showing in the MIDI ins section but since you have one selected in the controller section it's tying it up and not making it available for MIDI in - you should then be able to use the port 1 device as your main MIDI in on instrument tracks

    tbh I don't like how they have changed these pages recently in Luna, it's a lot more confusing than it used to be when I first installed it

  • gas
    gas Member Posts: 21 Member

    Went back downloaded and installed Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6. Didn't solve the issue. I'm using konkat 7 so do I need an earlier version of that as well? I don't use Komplete control as an instrument insert at all. The S49 has been recognized in the controller editor all along. The keyboard works fine in stand alone its only when its only when I load konkat 7 into an instrument track in luna that it stops responding. Seem to be going in circles here.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    Like I said I wouldn’t expect that to have worked it wasn’t really addressing the issue. But did you try what I suggested? This is about MIDI inputs and routing - clearly Luna is recognising the keyboard inputs but it looks to me like you did not have the right one selected as track input

  • gas
    gas Member Posts: 21 Member

    i think I've tried every combination. But which boxes do you think I should have checked?

  • gas
    gas Member Posts: 21 Member

    i don't understand the difference between what konkat 7 does and konkat complete. I've never used complete just Konkat 7 and the versions before 7

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @gas I've got a few more questions. So, if you load any kind of software instrument in Luna and try to play it with the keyboard you don't get sound? Non NI instruments? NI instruments? Kontakt? Komplete Kontrol? If you load a Komplete Kontrol track, can you browse, load an instrument, play it and control it?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    I did say in the post above

    for the MIDI controller page you should just need the DAW driver - not sure what it is called for the MkI but the 2 that have Ports 1 and 2 should be showing in the MIDI ins section but since you have one selected in the controller section it's tying it up and not making it available for MIDI in - you should then be able to use the port 1 device as your main MIDI in on instrument tracks

  • gas
    gas Member Posts: 21 Member


    I've tried them all and it doesn't make a difference which one I try none work within Luna.

  • gas
    gas Member Posts: 21 Member

    Okay here are settings within Luna and Preferences. I now get a signal but no sound out of Luna for anything. Sound outside Luna works. Feels a little like progress but still not there

  • gas
    gas Member Posts: 21 Member
    Answer ✓

    Got it. All works fine now.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
  • gas
    gas Member Posts: 21 Member
    Answer ✓

    The pictures show it all. In Luna MIDI in selected all not any specific device. MIDI out is set to Konkat Komplete. The Controller and MIDI no boxes checked. I appreciate everyone’s help!

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