Native Instruments products natively on Linux



  • NI4Linux
    NI4Linux Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    Bitwig took the crown last year and is fully Linux compatible. NI needs to take notes.

  • novaparis
    novaparis Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Yeah I really regret getting NI products now that Windows is such a bloat mess.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,360 Expert
    edited April 2024

    Google tells me Linux has a 4% market share. In other words, 96% of people are NOT using it.

    It doesn't seem very surprising that software companies opt to program for the 96% rather than the 4%.

    [edit] Apparently last year it was 3%. Congratulations, you've gone up 1% 😃

  • onx
    onx Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Why is it always either/or with these guys? Did you get burned by the Linux community or something?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,360 Expert

    Who said anything about either/or? We're just being realistic. Quoting facts.

    If you choose to use a platform that only has a 4% market share, then you have to suffer the consequences.

    I do have a laptop here with Ubuntu on it, by the way. For most of the software I use though, it's no use whatsoever - and I don't expect it to be.

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited May 2024

    I would use Linux if the software I want, runs as good as it does on windows and Mac.

    Trouble is, it’s a catch 22 situation.

    Not enough Linux users to convince those in charge to develop their products for it.

    User, not enough of wanted software runs on Linux so I have no choice but stick with Windows/Mac.

    I used Unix etc heavily in the 80s and 90s at work, and I love Linux.

    I used to dual boot into Linux (used to mainly run Gentoo) and would happily switch today if the software I want, runs on it, but it doesn’t.

    I used to boot into Linux to browse the web etc then reboot into Windows for my online gaming and music software (no longer do online gaming). But it got to the point where if I needed to be in Windows every day to run my software, it was pointless me booting into Linux, so I stopped.

    If I can boot into Linux and run: Studio 1, all Arturia and all Native instruments software, Omnisphere, my 3D printer slicing software etc etc etc as good and smooth as I run them in windows, then for me, windows would be history.

    But I can’t. At my age I now just want stuff to work, I don’t want to mess around with wine trying to fudge something to almost run under Linux, it’s either properly supported or I’m staying with windows.

    Also, in the past few years, for most people, Windows runs perfectly, it’s not like it was 10 years ago.

  • Daviyd
    Daviyd Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Just keeping this thread alive. I also need Linux support… I'm mean it already works with MuseScore out of the box on Windows, and that already has support. I've actually bought some NI products, so it would be nice to have those on Linux.

  • neilw
    neilw Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'd like to add my voice too. Win10 user, not looking forward to having to move to win11 and beyond. A year ago I set up my old PC with linux and have gradually been miving and testing aspects of my work under Linux. Audi recording / music is the only remaining challenge, one I haven't had time to investigate yet.I'd love to be able to move everything to Linux and be windows-free.

    There was the recent statistic that win11 has been losing market share - to win10.

    My strategy was, where possible, to switch to software on windows where the same software also exists on Linux. I moved from my ancient copy of office 2008 (or whatever it was) to Libre Office quite happily, and have had no difficulty sharing documents with colleagues and clients using Office365.

    I've recently set up Reaper under windows to test it out, as I know its also available under Linux, just as a start. I would love if one day I could run Reaktor which is my main tool, also various sample instruments.

    When I have time I'll experiment with Wine as others have suggested up-thread and report back, but it'll likely be a few months.

  • spacef2012
    spacef2012 Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2024

    Hello, Mehdi / SpaceF here.

    Please support linux because more and more users are fed up of the Mac/Windows intrusive/exclusive OS or hardware… that do not even work fine.

    Windows is now a data scrapper for AI training and advertising plateform.

    Also, I am personnally switching to non subscription model and old school DAWs (bye bye cubase, studio one, logic …. Hello Reaper, it is so much powerful and work so much better in all respects).

    So the only thing I will soon do is switch to a non MAC/WIndows OS…. whatever it is.

    many plugin makers are making the move. We would expect from NI to do the same…. for a better Native Future…

    Ankyou ery much

  • indigomirage
    indigomirage Member Posts: 8 Member

    Please. Linux support is very much needed. With Microsoft's trajectory for Windows and Apple's insane prices, many of us are desperate to be able to switch to Linux - in my case, NI is really the main thing holding me back (in particular, it's the need for proper support for Maschine hardware.)


  • amcmahon01
    amcmahon01 Member Posts: 1 Member

    +1 for Linux support, please!

    As Windows gets more bloated, more cloud-integrated and more user-data-collection focused, it becomes less and less reliable and usable for critical work (not to mention the privacy aspect, but that's a whole other conversation). There are few things more irritating then being in the zone with everything set up perfectly, only to have Windows decide it's time to update or reboot (completely ignoring your group policy settings), send a telemetry report (which inexplicably utilizes 90% of your system resources) or update some critical device drivers (again ignoring your group policy settings) so that all your I/O mappings suddenly fail.

    If it's true that you use Qt as your framework, porting shouldn't be all that terrible. Please help us out and we'll keep supporting you!

  • blitze
    blitze Member Posts: 19 Member


    What you said x1000 to the power of 1mil.

    If NI is using Linux under the hood of Maschine+ and also has Mac OS-X development - it wouldn't be much of a issue to throw some Linux Native love into the mix with Access, Maschine and then CLAP versions of their VST Plug-ins.

    With MS going further down the Hoovering OS route throwing AI and screen capturing into the mix, it is way past time to jump ship and I will not be doing it with another Proprietary US I.T. Company (Apple). Even prepared to sell off hardware and software that blocks my capability to jump ship but for NI, I hear good things about being able to run most VST's (really Komplete Kontrol / Kontakt are my main joys) in Linux. I will have to investigate Maschine as a VST on Linux in Reaper, not done that yet but I can also use the hardware as a Midi controller.

    Anyway - much thanks for hearing us out and onwards with the computing musical journey.😁❤️

  • endolexis
    endolexis Member Posts: 2 Member

    Yes, please.

    Microsoft's ****** is becoming unbearable, I don't want them to give the time of the day anymore, and Native Instruments' catalogue becoming natively available on Linux systems would send an extremely strong message.

    I've invested several thousand bucks into NI VSTi in the last two decades and I'll happily continue to do so if Linux native support is coming. Until then I'll stick with VSTi developers who already do it today.

  • ekso
    ekso Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same here! Linux is the better OS ! Please support it.

  • trahojen
    trahojen Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I too would very much like to see NI on Linux. Currently running Arch Linux, and I can get almost any other non native vendor products to run on Linux, but last lime I tried with NI, I couldn't get it to install even in a virtual environment running a Windows 10 image with a trial license.

    I will give it another go in the days to come, but please. I've spent almost €1200 on your products and I would love to get something out of them!

    Pretty please, assign a team to look into Linux support. <3

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