Kontakt 7 randomly pan's to one side

micksmuse Member Posts: 10 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

so i am using kontakt 7 complete with ableton live 11 and have instrument loaded onto a midi track. i record a bass line (scarbee rik bass - though it has done same thing on other instruments) and about two bars into the song the kontakt inst slams the pan all the way to the left. i have no automation armed anywhere on the song. i have other kontakt 7 instruments loaded on other tracks of same song and it is not happening on those. this is happening constantly on certain tracks. please help

Best Answer

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro
    Answer ✓
    1. Use the factory multiscript to confirm that kontakt is receiving cc#10 (pan) messages (KSP button top R of Kontakt window>preset>factory>MIDI monitor)
    2. Trace the source of the cc#10 messages (unlikely a problem with Kontakt)


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru

    I don't use the Scarbee Rick bass that much any more, but I do remember it didn't even have any L/R balance control in the plugin. That makes me wonder if there's something in the Ableton track configuration changing the output.

  • micksmuse
    micksmuse Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    it definitely has a pan control on the plugin. it's between the mute button and the volume slider. it just arbitrarily goes to hard left in the third bar of the song.

    and i tried another bass instrument from my kontakt 7 and it did the same thing. so i tried to put a toontrack ezbass instrument on the same slot and no issues with the toontrack ezbass so something inherently in native kontakt that is doing it.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro
    Answer ✓
    1. Use the factory multiscript to confirm that kontakt is receiving cc#10 (pan) messages (KSP button top R of Kontakt window>preset>factory>MIDI monitor)
    2. Trace the source of the cc#10 messages (unlikely a problem with Kontakt)
  • micksmuse
    micksmuse Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    thanks for advice. i don't see a KSP button on the top R

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro
    edited June 2024

    Close all instruments.

    (Won't show if an instrument open for editing)

  • micksmuse
    micksmuse Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    so thank you so much for trying to help me. i followed your instructions and the readout is:

    Controller: 123 value: 0 channel: R

    which i assume would cause the it to slam the pan all the way to the left channel.

    so what is causing that and how to stop it is the question i suppose.

    any thoughts. thanks in advance

  • micksmuse
    micksmuse Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    by the way. it seems to send that signal no matter what track i am using as where the content is coming from

    Controller: 123 value: 0 channel: [R] 1

  • micksmuse
    micksmuse Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    agh, sadly i was looking at that and thought it was an R for the channel and it is really an [A] so there goes my theory of R for the panning

    and by the way. i can load a kontakt instrument and just play it without recording it and about ten notes into playing it, it changes the center to panning hard left just by playing it on keyboard.


  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro
    edited June 2024

    No, cc#123 has nothing to do with panning. If you're not getting cc#10 messages when this happens, I was wrong and the problem must be in Kontakt or the instrument itself. You need someone familiar with Kontakt 7 with all its foibles and the instrument(s) that are misbehaving. (i.e. not me - I stayed with K5)

    You'll need to specify which instruments etc. While waiting for help, you could try bypassing each script in the instrument, see if that makes a difference.

    Postscript: Have a look at this. If you're quite sure about the cc#10 messages, you have proved the problem is definitely in Kontakt, not your DAW or hardware. If you put in a ticket, be sure to mention this.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro


    I forgot - this stupid program by default shows only one MIDI message at a time.

    In MIDI Monitor

    1. Switch off everything on the right except Controller
    2. Switch on Verbose Mode - this makes a list of all the messages

    Play your instrument or recording and when it pans to the left:

    If you've got a cc#10 message, revert to my first post and ignore all subsequent

    If not, carry on as before.

  • micksmuse
    micksmuse Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    so for a temp fix how do i bypass a script in the instrument? sorry for nubee questions but i am learning as i go sadly.

    it seems it has to be in kontakt because it doesn't happen on any other instruments like toontrack. but it also happens on the kontakt player (not komplete).

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro

    You may well be right, but if you do what I suggest in my last post you will be certain. There are 3 possibilities:

    1. Your DAW or hardware are sending unwanted cc#10 (pan) messages to Kontakt for some reason. OR…
    2. One of the scripts in the instrument in Kontakt is misbehaving, or
    3. Kontakt itself is doing something stupid

    No 1 is the most likely but you can rule it out with the method I described.

    Disabling scripts won't solve the problem because the instrument won't work properly. It's just to see if a particular script is causing the problem (unlikely). (In the script editor, open each script in turn and click Bypass, then test)

    What you need to do depends on the test I suggested. If there are no cc#10 messages it might be worth reinstalling Kontakt. And sending in a ticket if that doesn't help.

  • micksmuse
    micksmuse Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    so i did the only controller thing and verbose mode and let the song play and i got constant

    controller 10 value changes from 1 to 64 fluctuating 5,6,7,64,1 etc.

    you had said if i saw controller 10 changes to "trace the source" i don't see anyway to trace the source in the kontakt midi monitor window.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Well done you've solved it. Kontakt is innocent, and just obeying the cc#10 messages coming from your DAW. I know almost nothing about modern DAWs and hardware, but if you post details of your setup maybe someone here can help you trace where these messages are coming from.

    In the meantime as a quick fix you could block the messages in Kontakt: Instrument Options>Controller>Accept standard controllers for volume and pan.

    If that doesn't do what you want, use this multiscript

    on midi_in
    end if
    end on

    KSP>Edit: paste the above code into the text area and click Apply. It'll disable all pan messages in every instrument in your multi.

  • micksmuse
    micksmuse Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    hi, so i just did the thing with only controller on and verbose mode and i got:

    controller 10 value 1

    controller 10 value 64

    controller 10 value 1

    if i let the song play out the controller 10 just keeps bouncing from 1 to 64 to 5,6,7,64, 1 etc.

    so how would I -

    1. Trace the source of the cc#10 messages (unlikely a problem with Kontakt)

    I don't see anything on the kontakt monitor to see where the source is.

    thanks in advance

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