Alexander1970 Member Posts: 1 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine


I work with MASCHINE MIKRO 3. Last friday my external HD had a head-crash and all data is lost. This is a small disaster anyway.

But in regard to Native Instruments. My Maschine Library was on that drive. So after the crash I could not load any drum or other instrument. In the online tutorials from NI it is adviced to relocate your library to another drive. I tried this but no result whatsoever. I cannot download the library again? There is no option. I did look into all support files of Ni but I didn't get it to work. Native Acces only shows the message REPAIR...

It was adviced to re-install Maschine completely when you want it to start from scratch. Since there is no uninstaller available, you have manually delete all files concerning the Maschine apllication. I did this with the idea to reinstall everything again afterwards.

NON OF THIS HAPPENED AFTER DELETING ALL FILES. In Native Acces there appeared no installer, nor for the application nor for the library. I lost everything. I did contact the support and I applied the support tool. But there is no reaction from NI. I don't understand why there is no decent customer support?

I did contact Thomann about this product already. I think the whole procedure is quite customer unfriendly.

Maybe someone here has good advice on reinstalling the application and the libraries. This is my WORK!!!


  • Gogue
    Gogue Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Im having trouble with my MIKRO 3. When I connect it to my Mac the lights on the pad light up and turn off and just the little MASCHINE MIKRO label in top left corner stay lit. Been trying to solve this all night. Does anyone know about this. im so frustrated!!!!!

  • Rojab x
    Rojab x Member Posts: 6 Member

    Ciao, stesso problema io stamattina, la tastiera komplete funziona, la maschine no, stesso tuo errore,, se risolvi avvisami, io farò lo stesso

  • Rojab x
    Rojab x Member Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I had the same problem this morning, the full keyboard works, the male one doesn't, same error as yours, if you solve it let me know, I'll do the same
  • Rojab x
    Rojab x Member Posts: 6 Member

    Ho risolto, vai su servizi, poi trova scorrendo quello relativo al hardware, lo vedi perchè è in stato di arresto, doppio click clicca su automatico o manuale dai ok, invia e poi accendi il software maschine con hardware connesso USB....tutto si illumina.

    Se non mi sono spiegato bene dimmelo che domani quando torno in studio sarò più dettagliato.

    In pratica il servizio che rende maschine riconoscibile è in stato di arresto.


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