KK and Arturia Synths // midi mapping & NKS support

NeonBlackCat Member Posts: 40 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hej folks

As NI and Arturia inch closer and NKS support is now fully implemented, I was wondering if someone has an idea how to create (or where to get) a mapping for our Komplete Kontrol keyboards? I'm sure I'm not the only one using that, especially after the latest deal craze here at NI! :)

I'll attach a screenshot what I mean. In Analog Lab and any synth in the V-Collection you can open the preferences and in the MIDI section you can select your controller, which ofc are all Arturia standard ones. It's all usable from within KK-SW, which is nice, but the mapping isn't there automatically ofc (or not ofc, but it would have been nice with NKS and so on).

So how do I get in or create a mapping for my Komplete Kontrol controllers, so to have that available in this preset midi controller list I can just switch to it whenever I want to make sounds with AL or one of the V-Synths and not start over again?



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited April 2022

    With the V collection you get NKS and the NKS implementation means there are already pre-mapped controls on every preset for the Komplete Kontrol keyboards.

    Or did you mean something else ?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,086 Expert

    Komplete Kontrol does not map to "MIDI" controls, it maps to "Host Automatable" controls, so it directly will learn any control that is open for host automation.

    Because Analog Lab is modular and loads multiple instruments it does not really offer Host Automation for loaded plugins so you cannot map (in NKS mode) specific parameters of plugins. I have a full Analog Lab V NKS library which allows browsing of all the presets and control of the macro controls

    But it does not get into the "deep" control for each plugin, that is where you just load the dedicated NKS library for the instrument itself.

    The other option is to instead create a MIDI template and use the keyboard in MIDI mode and either set the CC numbers that correspond to the ones in ALV or learn the controls but this will work in MIDI mode only.

  • NeonBlackCat
    NeonBlackCat Member Posts: 40 Member

    Hej, thx, the separated synths I really didn't know about as I was mainly operating out of Analog Lab for the browsing purpose and Arturia Support just wrote that this isn't currently supported.

    So my quest is for Analog Lab and then going into the synths directly to have an automap ready for my S-Series keys. :)

  • NeonBlackCat
    NeonBlackCat Member Posts: 40 Member

    Hah! I found that one yesterday, great little thing, more on that later.

    Yes, midi-only mode would suck especially since a) you loose the smart features and b) you loose the browsing and fiddling ability in the screens. I had hoped for a more "automated" version, as Arturia is getting NKS compatible and that mbe NI could provide a standard mapping for the S-Series (other than the "default 9 knob" one that's already in AL).

    Anyways, your NKS workaround is great but I have just one question:

    I already got an extension library with more presets and sounds from Arturia. Do I just copy/merge them to the NI-Arturia folders your workaround created? because they aren't accessible through your solution somehow

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,086 Expert

    Not sure what you mean by "an extension library". Do you mean you have purchased an expansion for Analog Lab?

    The NKS files I provide only cover the factory presets and the freely available expansions for ALV. I currently have no plans to make NKS for the purchased libraries. If you mean something else I would need more details.

  • NeonBlackCat
    NeonBlackCat Member Posts: 40 Member

    Yes, things like the “Vangelis” expansion from Arturia.

    Can I just copy those presets into the folders you provided for Komplete Kontrol?

    Since I can’t even browse them with your thing, which limits the use of it tbh

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,086 Expert

    Since I can’t even browse them with your thing, which limits the use of it tbh

    Well, it limits it to the factory and free expansions which is what my "thing" says :)

    NKS required every preset for every instrument you want to browse to be saved, tagged and have sound previews processed. You can savee presets yourself just fine, load the preset from a bank, go file>save as and type in the name. Click to the next preset and repeat. Once all done, go back and add tagging. Then if you want sound previews, open Maschine, create a pattern of 2 bars with a single note of C3, render that out as a WAV, convert that to a .ogg then name it the same as the preset, click through each one and do that.....

    It's as cumbersome and time consuming as it sounds. I cannot provide NKS for every expansion under the sun, if you want to buy me a copy of said expansions I can look at doing it yes.

  • NeonBlackCat
    NeonBlackCat Member Posts: 40 Member

    No need to be that picky about it. I didn't know it was that complicated and it's as simple as taking the original presets and just linking them (hard/softlink) to the (thx to your tool) now browsable NKS library! ;)

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