how to relocate my library from my laptop to my external ssd

Cepik Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

how to relocate my library from my laptop to my external ssd?

thanks for answer

Best Answer

  • K8ch
    K8ch Member Posts: 8 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi. Nice to see a quick reply.

    Well, it wasn't seeing any of my libraries, at all.
    I just un-installed Native Access, re-booted and then re-installed it…and that helped a bit.

    I'd suggest you try it.


  • K8ch
    K8ch Member Posts: 8 Member

    Sorry I haven't an answer, but I'm looking to do the same thing.

    My laptop crashed and I need to use my external drive with a different computer,
    Never thought it would be a difficult thing, and yet…

    I've bookmarked this. and will let you know if I find out anything.

    Peace, Keith

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru
    edited June 2024

    Generally, you simply move the original library directories over to the new external drive intact via normal file system tools one by one, then when you enter Native Access it will tell you the ones that need to be fixed. Select Locate and change the location to the new drive and it does the rest. Goes pretty quick depending on the number of libraries.

  • K8ch
    K8ch Member Posts: 8 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi. Nice to see a quick reply.

    Well, it wasn't seeing any of my libraries, at all.
    I just un-installed Native Access, re-booted and then re-installed it…and that helped a bit.

    I'd suggest you try it.

  • Cepik
    Cepik Member Posts: 5 Member

    Zkusim to. Knihovny přemístím a uvidím co se bude dít… zkusím stejný postup.

    Knihovny jsou moc velké abych je měl na mém ssd. A to mám 1terra…

    Diky všem zůčastněným

  • K8ch
    K8ch Member Posts: 8 Member

    Well…it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
    Other libraries were more fussy than the Native Access/NI libraries, for what it's worth.

  • Cepik
    Cepik Member Posts: 5 Member

    tak u mě je to hodně zlé. Rozhodl jsem se vše odinstalovat a pak nainstalovat na novou lokaci v sad. teď mi nefunguje již vůbec nic. Nainstalovat nejde také nic. jsem zoufalý, nevím co mám dělat… budu muset kontaktovat zákaznickou podporu a ukázat fotografiemi co jsem všecko udělal. Díval jsem se na videa, čtu návody, ale nezabralo nic

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