What changed since Guitar Rig2 and Guitar Rig7?

ClaudeG Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Version 2 was installed years ago in 2 minutes and worked fine from the start. Now, with Mac M1 and Guitar Rig7, it is impossible for me to get it to work. I've tryed a lot and no result. Anyone having the same trouble? I need help…

Best Answer

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    Answer ✓

    No problem, it was my pleasure to help. Most apps can only work with one audio interface at a time so you can’t combine input from iRig and output from your USB monitors (im guessing that’s what USB_AUDIO is) within one app. To overcome that limitation, Apple came up with Aggregate Audio, which combines 2 or more audio interfaces into one.

    Looking at your photos, and assuming that you have your guitar plugged into iRig and you monitor through USB_AUDIO (monitors):

    IRig guitar input (mono) is now Aggregate Device Input 6

    USB_AUDIO output (stereo) is now Aggregate Device Output 3 and 4.

    And that’s what you should set in GR7 audio I/O.

    Good luck and take care, mate 👍



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Well, Guitar rig 2 was released in 2006, we're in 2024 and there were a few changes in computer's operating systems. Can you give us more details? Did you install Guitar Rig 7 with Native Access? Using Native Access

    Or have you installed it and it doesn't launch? Do you get error messages? More description of what's exactly happening would be helpful!

  • ClaudeG
    ClaudeG Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks for your reply! I know now why the rig isn't working:

    I just hope that an update is in progress, otherwise my rig is worthless on my Mac…

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited May 2024

    What you posted is a few months old.

    I have MacBook Pro 18,1/M1 Pro (10 CPU 16 GPU) 16GB, 1TB SSD, 16”

    Latest Sonoma

    Just loaded Studio One and Guitar Rig 7 (Didn’t try using them, was on my way to bed when saw your post, so quickly started both to see if Guitar rig 7 opened)

  • ClaudeG
    ClaudeG Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi there.

    My rig opened as well but i can't get any sound. i see the signal, and hear the metronome, but absolutely no sound. The problem is there, it is software malfunction due to a driver or so. I am on Macintosh Apple since the II FX Model decades ago, so i'm not a rookie. The company seems to don't care for their clients…

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    if you’re on Mac for so long, you should know that there are no drivers needed, unless your external audio interface uses one.

    Have you set up audio and midi device in GR7 settings correctly?

  • ClaudeG
    ClaudeG Member Posts: 11 Member

    I've tried ALL possibilities of connections and parameter handling, and there IS a problem between the rig and Mac Sonoma. I'm not that stupid… What was it called 20 ago? Plug&play, right? Sonoma on Mac is a problem for the rig and i have to wait for an compatible upgrade. I see no other solution…

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro

    Ah sorry, I didn’t realise.

    I’ll try using it tomorrow and let you know if it works for me or not.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @ClaudeG Guitar RIg 7 is supported on Sonoma. Please make sure to give full disk access to Guitar RIg: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Please alos apply these steps: Guitar Rig Crashes at Startup

    If that doesn't help, what soundcard are you using? With what settings?

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited May 2024


    Just for your info, I'm following the Full Disk Access instructions in your link, and there's no Lock item in the bottom left, which got me a bit confused.

    When I added all my NI stuff, it simply gave me a "Privacy and Security" window the first time I clicked on the + (see attached pic)

    I've included a pic of all the NI things I've given full access to, anything missing?, Anything that shouldn't be there?


  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited May 2024

    @ClaudeG @Jeremy_NI

    My OS version

    I just gave it a quick try. Brass loop playing over and over.

    A few GR7 presets.

    Seems to be working fine, see short YouTube clip below

  • ClaudeG
    ClaudeG Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks A LOT for your help. I did what you recommended me and now i'm going to restart the MAC. As soon as i will have a result, i'll be back here and let you know…

    : )

  • ClaudeG
    ClaudeG Member Posts: 11 Member

    : (

    Nope! Still no sound from my guitar. I send you here my parameters of all the finetuning i've tried. To be honnest, i'll give up now on the rig. I've wasted hours for nothing, and this is not what GuitarRig has been 20 years ago, when i simply plugged my guitar in and it WORKED FINE on the first connection. Anyway, your help was precious, but my problem here still persists. I can't find out why this is not going well… So, thanks again, that was so nice!

    Final thoughts: I've spend 100€ for nothing…

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited May 2024

    What are you monitoring your audio with?

    It looks like your system input is IK iRig2 HD and your system output is USB_Audio_6950 in system preferences. That will work as system settings but not in Guitar Rig 7 standalone, as it can only work with one audio interface at the same time. I can see in GR7 your audio interface is set to iRig2HD for both input and output. Have you tried monitoring through it? Like check with headphones if signal is present at iRig’s output?

    GR standalone will not let you have one audio interface for input and another one for output.

    If you want to use both interfaces in GR, you will need to create aggregate audio device and select THAT device as audio interface in GR.

  • ClaudeG
    ClaudeG Member Posts: 11 Member

    To be honnest, my head is turning and smoking, and i don't know what to do else. I've tried all the possibilities of sources and nothing worked. It has become so difficult to set up that i'm having no answer at all. Compared to GuitarRig2, 20 years ago, this is a mess to understand and prepare. In the future, and if i have my patience back, i will try from time to time to play around with to see if anything changed and someday MAYBE i will have a sound from the Rig… MAYBE… (LOL)

    I wanna thank you again for your patience and kind help. I'm not that stupid on a MAC, but this killed me for good. CHEERS MATE!!! 🍻

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited May 2024

    No worries, but don’t give up just yet.

    What are your monitors and/or headphones plugged into? If it’s USB_Audio_6950, then:

    Please try to create aggregate device out of your iRig and USB audio interfaces:


    Name it somehow, let’s say MyAudio.

    It will contain both inputs from iRig and outputs from USB_Audio_6950.

    Run GR7, go to audio settings and select driver: CoreAudio, device: MyAudio. Then select input and outputs as before (MyAudio now contains all inputs and outputs from your both interfaces). Play guitar and you should hear audio playing.

    Does it work?

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