DAWless Question: Can I use the Kontrol S49 with the Maschine+?

Kuttor Member Posts: 22 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

As the title suggest, I am a completely DAWless Maschine user.

Currently, I use the Maschine Plus and the Maschine Jam… love the combo, but I am wanting to add some keys and for that I would really like to use the Kontrol S49.

That said, is the Kontrol S49 compatible with the Maschine Plus?

If so, are there any features on the Kontrol S49 that I lose? How is the functionality? etc. etc.

Thanks beforehand.

Best Answer


  • Kuttor
    Kuttor Member Posts: 22 Member

    Oh I mean the Kontrol S49 Mk3… the one with the big screen… however, also interesting in knowing about the mk2 the one with two screens.

    IF it does work, does one work better than the other?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Kontrol keyboards S-Series MK2 as far as I know have Maschine integration. But that has been taken away in the Kontrol S-Series MK3 keyboards

    Quote Matthew_NI :

    As has been stated: we were very proud of the integration Maschine and the Kontrol S MK2 had. It was a significant effort to build and maintain, but unfortunately bore little fruit.

    A very small % of users owned both products, and a smaller % of that group used the integration. Of course, this does nothing to appease the people who do use it, and want it for MK3. But, that's why.

    If ever there's an integration brought back, it would be rather basic (e.g. Transport controls) as there's no evidence to suggest the high effort implementation was, and/or would be worth it.

    Does Kontrol S-Series MK3 Integrate with Maschine?

    For description of Maschine integration in the Kontrol S MK2 keyboards then please look at

    Page 91 : 11. Host Integration in the manual

  • Kuttor
    Kuttor Member Posts: 22 Member

    OK I think that reply confused me… most like due to my ignorance about the Maschine Plus workflow maybe or perhaps the history of Maschine Plus and the community?

    So, I own quite a bit of gear.. I got a handful of Roland stuff like the HDP-20, Sp-404mk2, MX-1, TR-8s, MC707… as well as a Denon setup with 2xSC5000m's and x1850… the Korg KAOS Replay and BOSS RC505mk2…. oh, and the MPC 61 Keys Pro… which I do like for a keyboard but…. I really dislike the workflow.

    Anyways… not flexing or something just talking.

    The Maschine Plus/Jam is my newest addition and I LOVE the workflow… it's like everything I wish the MPC 61 keys workflow was.. except I wish it had a keyboard. But whatever it has caused me to rethink my live setup…

    Now my thinking is to try

    • Denon sc5000m's (two)
    • Maschine Plus
    • Maschine Jam
    • Denon X1850 (the mixer)
    • And finally a Kontrol s49… (hopefully)

    • but maybe the Kontrol wouldn't be a good keyboard for this… For instance, I would like to be able to use the keyboard to play keys from the Maschine Plus… but then I would like to be able to be on a different group, lets say, to play the pads on a different instrument
  • Kuttor
    Kuttor Member Posts: 22 Member

    You say "had" and along with the quote makes me think it doesn't anymore?

    I am sorry if my ignorance into the Maschine world has confused me a bit.

    I own quite a bit of gea

    I have a Roland setup... Which is the TR-8s, mX-1, tb-3, and mc707, sp404mk2

    I have an MPC setup... Which is a MPC keys 61 pro and an Akai Force.

    As well as a Denon setup... Denon SC500 and x1850

    Also I own a Bos rc505mk2, Roland HDP20, Quad Cortex Neural DSP, and Korg Kaos Replay.

    Ad now divin into a Maschine setup... With a Jam and a Plus.

    My main goal is for DAwless performance and I really Really REALLY enjoy the maschine workflow.

    Because of that I am imagining a really sweet live combo if I combine a MaschinePlus, Jam, and S49... With the Denon sc5000 and x1850... with the Korg Kaos Replay

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,457 mod

    In basic Midi mode it should work, but, without the advanced features of a host integration,
    and you should need Midi cables too, since (i assume) DAWless means also without a computer.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod

    You say "had" and along with the quote makes me think it doesn't anymore?

    Sorry , my bad for expressing myself in a way that could be misunderstood. I didn't use quotes though but I have changed the had to a have. S-Series MK2 still have the same integration as they had before the introduction of the S-Series MK3, I were merely referring to the S-Series MK2 in a past tense since they are no longer made and as far as I know then no-longer sold by N.I. , at least not directly.

    Other than that then I am sorry but I do not have the necessary equipment to advice you of the usability of the S-Series MK2 in connection with all your equipment.

  • Chregg
    Chregg Member Posts: 40 Newcomer

    its a shame really that a small % of users use maschine software with kk s mk2, ive just got my head round maschine software, and love the integration, really gets the best out the s mk2's, so glad it was the mk2 i got

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