Multiple issues with Kontackt and Session Horns Pro

RichP Member Posts: 44 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

For the past two days I have had numerous issues while trying to record and play back my project. I use Reaper as my Daw. All software is up to date.

Windows 11, 32Gig Ram, Icore 9 processor, 8 core, 16 threads

  1. Volume on Kontakt player keeps dropping to zero.
  2. Midi sometimes dropout.
  3. After copying a track to double the melody with a different group of horns, the new track plays every note as a fall despite never using the pitch wheel

In regards to the first two issues I have refreshed Kontakt numerous times and If necessary I reload the program to the track and uncheck "Accept standard controllers for volume#7 and Pan#10" in the settings.

I have a latency monitor on my desktop. I admit, I do not understand anything about this but with the monitor running it states "Your system appears to be suitable for handling real-time audio and other tasks without dropouts."

I am at a total loss.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.




  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru
    edited May 2024

    I'd start with running your NI stuff standalone to see how it's working outside of the DAW first. If that's all working there's probably some configuration issue with Reaper. If the problems persist in standalone then I'd focus on getting those identified and corrected. Once it's stable in standalone it will likely be fine in Reaper.

  • RichP
    RichP Member Posts: 44 Member

    Thanks, I will give it a try. I since discovered this issue has happened to others using different Daws and that it seems to happen for a time and just dissappear, only to come back again from time to time with no solution or explanation to the problem.

    I also downloaded a midi monitor for Windows and it apparently shows no issue coming from the midi controller. Unfortunately you cannot test this with the software programs open as the midi controller cannot be used for more than one program at a time.

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Double check your automation to make sure nothing was accidentally added. This can sometimes be the culprit behind these type of issues.

  • RichP
    RichP Member Posts: 44 Member

    I noticed that issue with the volume drop and corrected it but it is still happening at times. I had the issue just yesterday. Refreshing Kontakt player fixed it but that does not always work. The next time I have the pitch bend issue I am immediately going to close my Daw and open the midi monitor software to see if the issue happens with that. For the time being I had to create additional tracks and record on them. If I go back to the original tracks the pitch bend issue occurs. The problem seems to be embedded in the two tracks where it was happening.

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper
    edited May 2024

    Does your DAW do both track and region/clip automation?? Because, outside of the volume drop, if its not one, it might have been the other.

  • RichP
    RichP Member Posts: 44 Member

    I never used that before, I would have to check. But, when it happens I see the volume fader in Kontakt drop to zero. I am wondering if it is a bug in Session Horns Pro and not Kontakt but can't figure it out. These two issues are keeping me from buying Session Strings Pro 2 which is half price but I am now hesitant.

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    An updated, modern UI would be nice for those too. They're a bit tiny by today's standards.

  • RichP
    RichP Member Posts: 44 Member
    edited June 2024

    update to pitch wheel issue

    I opened a cc lane in Reaper's midi editor for pitch. I then recorded a melody on one of the tracks with this problem. Every note played back with a fall. I did not use the pitch wheel. When I checked the midi lane at that point in time there was no midi data indicating that I used the pitch wheel yet the notes were falling.

    FYI- Earlier in the track I had used the pitch wheel and at that point in time the cc lane indicates as such. So I am thinking this problem is not with Reaper.

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Falls are an articulation, or possibly a mod wheel (CC 1) "switch" depending on whether you're using the Performance or Keyswitch instrument. Try checking into that.

    It could be that you have a mod wheel value recorded somewhere or perhaps you need to drop in a key switch "note" to ensure the right articulation plays back every time?? That's what I tend to do. As just pressing or bumping a note on the keyboard can switch articulations on you accidentally. Adding key switches in key spots can ensure that even ig this does happen, it will always switch back to the right articulation.

  • RichP
    RichP Member Posts: 44 Member

    I add key switches, usually non-vibrato before all new phrases and after I use a specific articulation to ensure I don't screw it up.

    Interesting note: I discovered that the Virtual pitch wheel does not move on any of the 5 horn tracks despite having specific spots in the tune where I recorded an actual fall. The falls plays properly. I was able to reach support but I can't see how they can really help. I would need to somhow get the .rpp Reaper file to them. I do not think that is practical for them. They would need a version of every Daw out there that consumers are using. (Maybe I am wrong about that).

    I did a test for them using the pitch wheel on a new project and it was fine. The Virtual pitch wheel moved with the falls and doits. I had no issue adding additional midi after the fact.

    It appears for some reason that the issue is embedded in tracks 4 and 6 where the problem lies.

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Perhaps its just easier importing everything except Tracks 4 and 6 into a new project and building from that??

  • RichP
    RichP Member Posts: 44 Member

    I completed the project in spite of the issue. I was able to reach customer support via email but they have not gotten back to me with a solution as of yet. I think it may be something that will not be solved anytime soon. In the mean time everything appears to be working as it should.

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Well that's something I guess.

This discussion has been closed.
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