Is there any way to map the top row of buttons and the banks a-h?

KBayliss Member Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

hi - apologies in advance, very new to midi mapping.

I am trying out a maschine jam for Resolume as an APC 40 is impossible to get hold of (mk2)

I can’t seem to map a lot of the buttons, they don’t seem to register - is there a mode or combination I need to press to allow any / every button to be mapped?

If anyone can help that would be much appreciated. It’s a great piece of kit, but I’m not sure it’s going to have enough control for what I need at the moment.



Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓


    you have to disable the pages, within the pages tab but then you loose the pages of course, for example 8 times 16 pads. I'm not on my computer right now but if you need a picture I can do that later to show you where to deactivate it to be able to map the 8 group buttons to any midi command.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓


    you have to disable the pages, within the pages tab but then you loose the pages of course, for example 8 times 16 pads. I'm not on my computer right now but if you need a picture I can do that later to show you where to deactivate it to be able to map the 8 group buttons to any midi command.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited May 2024

    there is a method of achieving what you are desiring with Bomes midi translator pro & the NI controller editor….

    it is a bit fiddly to achieve…

    basically the idea is this (with Bomes software running)

    the default state requires the MaschineJams top Row…. to be set as buttons(with assigned midi type&value for triggering)

    from here, the buttonPress of button1 triggers a set of (bomes)translators for automation

    which calls to NI controller editor-focuses application & brings it to front, sets the mouse position carries out the necessary left clicks, thus setting the maschineJam to a new template… and then reverts the top row back to buttons again…

    there are timings of leftclicks to wait until the windows/buttons have actually been clicked etc …this is all handled inside the Bome translators so that need to be considered etc…

    also the NI controller editor window needs to be in the same place all the time….

    the issue that arises attempting to do things this way…. is CPU spikes can cause timings to go out…

    when it came down to the nuts and bolts of things… its better to just press the top row button.. saves all the fuss, becos the only benefit one really gets from carry out this… is triggering a template/page switch externally which shows on the Mjam..

    the reality is… all the buttons assigned on the various pages can be triggered externally… if you need to manually trigger the midi from a page etc… then its a additional single click in the process..

    so practically speaking… it better to just press the page buttons…saves all the fuss… been there done that LOL

  • KBayliss
    KBayliss Member Posts: 4 Member

    hello - thank you so much. And apologies again I’ve only had it a few days, but when you say page buttons are you still referring to the top line?

    It sounds a bit fiddly to get those buttons activated as you mentioned. But I might try it, or maybe switch to a different controller instead.

    I also wanted to map the master fader on the right to resolume but again that doesn’t seem to register.

    Thanks for your reply again!

  • KBayliss
    KBayliss Member Posts: 4 Member

    thank you! Sorry I've not used a discussion thread before so couldn't see how to reply directly to anyone - but thank you - this has been useful - thanks to everyone who responded! - Uwe303😀 6Xes😀

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod

    i mean this setting, if you disable the pad pages you can map group button A to H for example, if you deactivate the knob/button pages, you can then map the two buttons on the upper left 4rth row with arrows (left/right) in them

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    with regards to the Master volume, fader
    be aware… there is a touch sensitive midi message when touching the Encoder…. which is separate from the touch encoder being turned

    so in order to midi learn the encoder, when the MST is lit… you must first hold the encoder.. then while holding the encoder select the midi learn and then rotate the encoder




    & headphones

    "each" have a touch sensitive assignable midi message, which can be used for triggering

    heres a video i did a little while ago

    A template i put together using the RealearnVST (only works with Reaper) …. but the same type of template can be done using Bomes Midi Translator pro…

    Bomes midi Translator Pro is the go to application for making midi-Templates, it gives extended integration of midi-controllers in many different ways,… it is worth investing in if you have managed to get a Maschine Jam, at which point you will begin to appreciate the Mjam for all configurable ways you can customise it

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    having re-read your Original post… and assuming you are completely new to using the Maschine Jam controller…

    the first application you require is the native instruments controller editor application….

    Uwe shows a picture of the controller editor application…. thats the peice of software you need to modify or assign the various type of midi messages, values, buttons etc etc

    can be found

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    alternatively the latest iteration of controller editor can be downloaded using the NI's….Native Access software

  • KBayliss
    KBayliss Member Posts: 4 Member

    thanks so much I’ll check all of this out!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod

    i posted the wrong devive, here you see how it works with maschine jam

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    heres somethings i want to make you aware of….

    when using the MaschineJam… change the setting within controller editor - preferences… so that the Maschine jam is recognised as Maschine - 2 …instead of it being registered as maschine - 1

    the reason for this, is MaschineJam tends to be connected via virtual port… which is something you will see when looking at devices …within applications that show midi devices…

    maschine - 1 tends to be problematic…. therefore it is best practice to set it maschine - 2

    this is something i have noticed having used Dual and even triple maschineJam devices,

    in my case i have them registered as 2 , 3 & 4 when using x3 maschineJam's

    best midi controllers out there!!

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