How to completely uninstall

JDL Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Completely remove everything installed by Native Access including Native Access.

This is a nightmare.

I just want it all cleanly off of the system, please. Macbook M2 Pro - Sonoma.

As of this date, all of the latest releases are what is on this system and completely malfunctioning. I don't want to go into it further.

I want a clean removal, please.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    "As of this date, all of the latest releases are what is on this system and completely malfunctioning. I don't want to go into it further"

    The only reason they are malfunctioning is because of your use of Sonoma.

    No NI software (except Massive X) is supported in Sonoma right now.

    Install a supported OS and all should be fine.


  • JDL
    JDL Member Posts: 3 Member

    It started with a password issue, and then the mess ensued. I had forgotten to check for the supported OS list.

    I just wanted to cleanly remove all traces of the product atm so that I may reinstall the product(s) later when Sonoma is fully supported. Sometimes having traces of things left behind complicates the matter. Downgrading from Sonoma might be difficult atm.

    Thank you folks for the replies.

    Thank you PoorFellow, for the links.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    NI's documentation for removing their products is basic at best.

    I am not a Mac guy but can assume that no standard uninstall is going to get every trace of NI off there.

    If you really want it clean - you may have to wipe the device and start over - but that is a nuclear option.

    Over here on Windows - there are a number of tools that can really remove everything for true clean start - but that won't help your situation.


  • Asya
    Asya Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Despite the files mentioned on the developer's help page, you also need to delete the following files:

    ~/Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments/*product name*.plist 

    ~/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/*product name* 

    Another way to ensure that you uninstalled the app completely is to scan your system with App Cleaner & Uninstaller. It finds all leftovers of already deleted files and shows them in the Remaining Files section. The app has a free trial so you can do it for free.

  • cadenza
    cadenza Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Would 'Clean My Mac' work to nuke everything Native Instruments related off my Macbook? I'm getting very close to that option. NI is making me not want to be a musician anymore… I'd rather play bass…

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