How to play cha cha 1.mid NI Cuba pattern in my DAW with sound of "Melodic Ensemble"

Vince_fr Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt


When I open the "melodic ensemble" in NI cuba, I can't drag and drop the midi file pattern into my daw because the icon for this is missing:

I found the cha cha 1.mid file in the folder below but when I put it in my daw, it's not playing the right percussions because only the trumpet is mapped on the keyboard in "melodic ensemble" instrument.

Is there anyone to help me for a workaround to this problem ?

Thanks a lot




  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru
    edited May 2024

    The easiest way it to have two tracks in your DAW each containing Kontakt and the appropriate instrument. One with the Melodic Ensemble and one with the Ballroom set to the same BPM and record them independently. You can't just drop the MIDI in because it's mapped to different notes and uses different sample files and this is controlled by Kontakt. You need to load two separate Kontakt instances loaded in each track of your DAW and record them.

  • Vince_fr
    Vince_fr Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thank you DunedinDragon for your answer.
    When you say "record them", you mean in an audio way (not in midi way)?

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru

    No just record the MIDI tracks into two different MIDI tracks in your DAW. Both tracks have the Cuba plugin attached to them, but one track has the Melodic Ensemble selected and the other has the Ballroom set selected. Each has their own specific MIDI recorded in their tracks and are mixed for the final output.

    Without knowing the DAW you're using I can't be more specific than that.

  • Nicki_NI
    Nicki_NI Product Team Posts: 40 mod


    the "Melodic Ensemble" of Spotlight Cuba is not equipped with a MIDI drag functionality as there's simply not enough MIDI notes on the keyboard to accomodate the notes for the percussion, piano, bass and guitar.

    We could think of adding MIDI drag to the melodic instruments and adding another MIDI based Percussion Ensemble for a future update.

    In the meantime you could try the "Salsa Ensemble" (found under 1 - Percussion Ensembles), it also has Cha Cha patterns and is equipped with MIDI drag and drop.

    Hope this helps,


  • Vince_fr
    Vince_fr Member Posts: 6 Newcomer


    Thanks Nicki_Ni for the answer.
    I already tried the "Salsa ensemble", but here are the "small issues":

    • "bolero Pop 1", "Bolero Pop2", "Cha cha Rock 1" and "Cha cha Rock 2" patterns don't exist in "Salsa ensemble" and there is no kick and snare samples to create them
    • Percussion samples seem not to be exactly the same in "Salsa ensemble" and "melodic ensemble". That's what I can hear and when I check the mapping in these categories, the sample files for bongo and conga for instance seem to be different

    An update of Spotlight Cuba would be great. I'm very interested in having the percussions of melodic ensembles available on the keyboard and having the ability the midi drag functionnality.

  • Vince_fr
    Vince_fr Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thanks DunedinDragon for your precision.

    I tried this on Ableton Live:

    Melodic ensemble with only the percussion with Cha Cha 1 pattern on first midi track:

    Instrument ensemble piano with Cha Cha 1 pattern on second midi track:

    I recorded the midi in in track, but there is only one midi note for each track recorded. I don't have the midi note of cha cha 1 mid file recorded.

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