How can I fix the error: Downloading (*Product*) failed: could not create new file or truncate...

AnimeFanAkira Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hello, my name is Jason and I'm having an issue with understanding why I keep getting an error when I try to install Audio Imperia's Jaeger software from my Native Access Library onto my M1 2020 Macbook Pro running OS Sonoma 14.4.1 Let me further explain:

I have had the run-around from Audio Imperia's extremely slow customer service that only resolved one of my issues with trying to gain access back to their Jaeger software itself that I originally bought and installed on a Mac that I no longer have access to back in December of 2019. They fixed this somewhat by giving me a new serial license code for my same purchased Jaeger product that they told me to add into Native Access (which I did). But what keeps giving me issues is the fact that whenever I try installing Jaeger onto my M1 Macbook Pro, this annoying error keeps popping up each and everytime that keeps blocking me from being able to install Jaeger onto my computer which goes as follows (and as shown in the attached screenshots): ''Downloading Jaeger failed: could not create new file or truncate existing file: visit our knowledge base for more information.'' I visited the knowledge base, and all it does is confuse and frustrate me even more to no end.

First of all, what in the heck is a truncate existing file?! I have never installed Jaeger previously on this M1 Macbook Pro that I'm using, because again, I lost access to the 1st computer Jaeger was installed on. So the big question is, what do I do to fix this? I can't locate an existing installation folder on my M1 that first of all, doesn't even exist when Jaeger hasn't ever been installed on this computer, so how do I resolve? I need a step by step process on how to fix this. Please help!

For example, as shown in the next screenshot I took of my the ''File Management'' area in the preferences of my Native Access App, what locations am I suppose to set the Download Location, Application Location, and Content Location to? Are they all set in the wrong locations as far as you can see in the screenshot? And if not, can someome please tell me what locations I need to set the 3 of these to? Can any of this even be possible or is it possible for me to even install Jaeger onto my M1 even though I have no original download file of it already installed on this M1? I'm totally lost. Am I supposed to create a new folder somewhere on my Mac in order for Jaeger to be able to be installed? What do I do?

Please let me know

Thanks, Jason

Best Answer

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,237 mod
    Answer ✓

    The "Download location" is incorrect - it's pointing to the /Users folder rather than /Users/username/Downloads. Click on "Restore Defaults" and hopefully you'll find things work. If not let us know and we'll take another look.


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