S4MK3 & S3: Performance MOD (qml coding)



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod

    Thanks for being such excellent company. Feels like a relaxed beach ball get-together in summer. Brilliant.


  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 148 Advisor
    edited April 24

    S3 Performance Mod V9:


    • Loop-In: (SHIFT+GRID) (when active: GRID button (lights up, Color Green))
    • Loop-Out: (SHIFT+JOG) (when loop active: (JOG, GRID button flashes Green))
    • S3Deck.qml cleaned up ^^

    EDIT: Bug FIX


    Other changes:

    • "Preview", "Favorite", "Preparation", and "View" Button now also have the Deck Color

    I didn't like the White Color^^

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited April 25

    WiP Update:

    • Added Phase-Meter as a pop-up. Please check if it pops up when you need it.
    • Bigger BPM display. Also changed places with Time display.
    • Access to many differently coloured waveforms

    -- Hold DECK and use Move-Encoder to not only adjust DeckColor but also the NI-designed waveform colours at the same time, from Red at the low end to White at the high end. I also removed the wrap-around, so the adjustment hard-stops at the left end (Red) and the right end (White).

    -- Hold DECK and use Loop-Encoder to only adjust waveform colours. From white at the high end, the S4 uses my custom designs (and adapted designs), beginning with X-Ray (for White), over Infrared, Ultraviolet, Denon SC5000/SC6000 Prime (Blue/Green), Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus 2 (Red/Blue) to Pioneer CDJ-3000 (Blue/Yellow).

    -- Hold DECK and use Browse-Encoder for Traktor GUI waveform zoom (changed from DECK+Loop Encoder)

    Have a go!


    Edit (again): 11c with adjusted BPM digits display uploaded.

  • Razzor
    Razzor Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hello @Sûlherokhh

    I quickly tested your last version. Wow, the phasemeter looks great and is very useful. I will test this feature on the weekend a bit more intense.

    The color wheel integration -> amazing!

    Thanks for making the tempo a bit bigger.

    These waveform colors are also working fine. I found myself using the Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus 2 (Red/Blue) the most. Which of these colors was previous visible for us?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited April 25

    Quote from @Merman :

    One thought about the phase meter - I would expect that if I'm nudging/pitch controlling the master deck, that the phase meter would show up on the 'slave' deck...currently, it only shows up when you alter the slave.

    So far i have the following conditions that can be applied to (positive or negative) in any combination for the phase meter to show up.

    • isMaster
    • isInSync (Sync active)
    • isSlave (isInSync and not isMaster); so here already is a combination of the first two
    • bpmAdjust (change of BPM)
    • tempoBend (nudging)
    • jogwheelTouch (scratching)
    • isPlaying

    All of them check the deckID (the currently visible deck), but the state(s) of the master deck (if any) could also be queried. For example: DeckA is master deck and playing. DeckB could check tempoBend status of the master deck to pop up the phase meter.

    What combinations of conditions would you like to trigger the phase-meter pop-up?

    Or would you rather have it visible at all times? In that case the whole deck layout would need a remake.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod

    I've used Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus 2 (Red/Blue) in the previous versions, which i found most distinct and also pleasing to the eyes. But other people may have different tastes.

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 148 Advisor

    S3 Performance Mod V9.5:

    "I have updated my files (Traktor Kontrol S3)" 😃

    Deck features:

    • Jogwheel Beatcounter LED
    • Jogwheel Browsing (VIEW-JOGWHEEL) (Big Jumps (VIEW)-(SHIFT+JOGWHEEL))
    • VinylBreak (SHIFT+PLAY)
    • DeckUnload (only at deck stop) (SHIFT+GRID+LOOP_TOUCH)
    • scratchBlink (play button)
    • Sync Tap: BPM is set to Master BPM aka TempoSync. Sync is not activated. If Sync is already active it will be turned off.
    • Sync Hold (>0.2sec): Sync Toggle. If Sync status is released, Tempo is reset to +/- 0%.
    • Sync LED Feedback: BRIGHT when Sync is activated. - GREEN (Tempo & Phase in sync, both with tiny error margins for beat juggling), - LIME (Tempo in sync but out of phase), RED (not in sync & out of phase)
    • (SHIFT+Sync) Tap: Deck TempoMaster toggle (ON/OFF).
    • (SHIFT+Sync) Hold (>0.2sec): Master Clock AUTO toggle.
    • (SHIFT) Sync LED Feedback: BRIGHT GREEN (deck is TempoMaster), - LIME (Master Clock AUTO is not active, deck is not TempoMaster), RED (Master Clock AUTO is active, deck is not TempoMaster)
    • Hold DECK (A, B, C or D) + Loop Encoder (Turn): Adjust GUI zoom factor. (Push Encoder) to reset to -0.75
    • Hold DECK (A, B, C or D) + Move Encoder (Turn): Cycle through all 17 deck colours! (Push Encoder) to reset.

    Track/Stem deck features:

    • Loop-In: (SHIFT+GRID) (GRID button (lights up, Color Green))
    • Loop-Out: (SHIFT+JOG) (when loop active: (JOG, GRID button flashes Green))
    • Jogwheel Turn: (while in active Loop) hold (SHIFT+GRID) or (SHIFT+JOG) (or both) to adjust Loop-In or Loop-Out (or both) with the Jog Wheel. Jogwheel LEDs turns green.)
    • Move Encoder Turn: (while in active Loop) hold (SHIFT+GRID) or (SHIFT+JOG) (or both) to adjust Loop-In or Loop-Out (or both) by exactly 1 beat.

    Mixer channel features:

    • DeckTypeSwitch (Deck: A,B,C SHIFT+EXT) Cycles through 1-3 deck types, as long as the corresponding deck is not playing (Track Deck ➔ Remix Deck ➔ Stem Deck ➔ Track Deck). (Deck: D SHIFT+EXT) Cycles through all deck types, as long as the corresponding deck is not playing (Track Deck ➔ Remix Deck ➔ Stem Deck ➔ Live Deck ➔ Track Deck).
    • Switch MIC D - LINE (EXT) (automatically switches Deck D type to Live Input)

    Browser features:

    • Preview Button: Can be used both in HOLD as well as TOGGLE modes. As long as the Preview Player is loaded, the Browse Encoder seeks through the track. Loading a track into a deck will now also unload the Preview Player.
    • View Button: HOLD button to use as (SHIFT) for Browse Encoder only, as well as TOGGLE browser view.
    • SHIFT+View: Toggle original Jogwheel behaviour (i.e. Jogwheel does not scroll playlist, has White colour, turns when track is playing and allows pitchbending and scratching). Setting will be saved between sessions.

    Other changes:

    • MixerFX 4 colour changed from YELLOW to LIME (better visibility and difference to Filter's LIGHTORANGE).
    • Standard deck colors (A, B): Turquoise, (C, D): DarkOrange
    • "Preview", "Favorite", "Preparation", and "View" Button now also have the Deck Color

    "Big thanks goes to Sûlherokhh,

    (If you think the mod is great, please send him a coffee)"

    Update: Bug FIX (The ext button lights up again when pressed/ small improvements in my code/ a few color changes)
    I have tested the S3Mod extensively (7h^^) and all errors should now be fixed.

    Please create a backup of the original files

  • Merman
    Merman Member Posts: 16 Member

    Phase Meter - What is the most logical/natural thing to do here? :)

    I think:

    • I'd have it show up when you pitch shift and nudge
    • a popup is the way to go (as you have it)
      • the screen is small and we only really need when we are adjusting/setting the phase. Right? Maybe not :) I'd say it works well as a popup though…..and a screen 'redo' sounds like a lot of unnecessary work.
      • if it were to be set as permanently on, I'd hope for a way to turn it off
      • I'd like to have a way to extend/reduce the time it remains on the screen. I found it disappears on me a little quick.
    • appearing on the slave deck only is logical to me (as you have it)
    • seeing it appear on the slave deck when you manipulate master deck makes sense to me, since I do nudge the master deck jog wheel to keep it in phase, not only the slave. What deck I nudge usually depends on what the track is doing at the time

    I also think that what ever you choose to do will be awesome! :)

  • djvic91
    djvic91 Member Posts: 84 Helper

    Sûlherokhh just tested the new mod 11c and its really cool!! changing wave forms colors on the screen is super easy. works smooth so far

  • djvic91
    djvic91 Member Posts: 84 Helper

    phase pop up, 1 thousand 1 , 1 thousand 2 its gone. that's it, works for me what ever you decide. does not affect me one bit

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited April 27

    WiP Update:

    • Phase-Meter pop-up conditions for slave decks (took me quite a while). Delay extended from 2 to 3 seconds.
    • Loop Display type toggle (SHIFT+Lower Deck (C or D) button.

    Is it better now? 🙃

    Please excuse my lack of response to your nice posts. My head is somewhere else this week. I'll get back to you on that. Enjoy testing. Feedback very much appreciated.


    Edit: @djvic91 and…

    To answer: Yes, i agree with just about everything. Still thinking about away to incorporate an on-the-fly way to set pop-up durations. Maybe SHIFT+FX Select for 1sec, 2secs, 3secs and 4secs?

    If y'all like the pop-up/bpm-display/loop-display colour toggle, i can start working it in for the remix deck as well; so far it only works for track and stem decks.

    Thanks for your vote of confidence!

    @pixel :

    I'll incorporate your latest update into post#1 as soon as i have a clean PerformanceMod V12 ready.

  • djvic91
    djvic91 Member Posts: 84 Helper

    you can toggle the loop screen from green to just the number being green. smooth and easy to do. the phase will last 3 seconds if you nudge the wheel but if you move the pitch fader it stays on until you return back to center and then it disappears. if you press the play or cue buttons it will active the phase meter display for 3 seconds also . if you move the pitch fader it actives it but if you press the sync button it disappears. if that's what you were going for it works fine

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited April 26

    The question is, what do you want it to do?

    Right now it will activate whenever the phase is in flux (moving from it's position). I can fence that, by for example allowing it to pop-up only under one or more of the list of conditions (or their negations) i mentioned above, which is why i made that list.

    Edit: You are using version 11d, right?

  • djvic91
    djvic91 Member Posts: 84 Helper

    im good with it. it use to be 2 seconds and now its 3. either way its fine. i think its really cool visual.im using 11d .

    the flux doesn't have to be active for it to be activated. I'm good with it but curious to hear from others. don't need to change anything but lets hear from the community

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited April 27

    ... if you move the pitch fader it actives it but if you press the sync button it disappears …

    If you move the pitch fader, the phase will constantly change and trigger the phase meter.

    if you press the play or cue buttons it will active the phase meter display for 3 seconds also

    Before you press play, the deck is neither the tempo master, nor do deck bpm and master bpm align, so when the deck jumpstarts, it measures the difference which in turn makes the phase jump. even if you are on auto master mode, the deck takes a short moment to switch to master and realign the phase, which then triggers the phase meter. If you press SYNC before pressing play, this will not happen, but the deck will then play with a different tempo than the original deck bpm.

    In short, it's working as it is supposed to. :p

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