Can't get my s49 mk3 to work well

LossoLiiig Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Other Software & Hardware

I got my s49 few days ago and everything seemed well at first. I went out for few days then came back to start working with it. I found the problem that when I was recording, everything sounded fine but then barely anything could be heard when I replay it. If I use count-in, the first note or chord is loud but then still barely nothing can be heard. Besides from recording, no other issue I have found so far, so I'm pretty sure it's some sort of setting problem. I've tried updating drivers, reconnecting, and hundreds of options in kontakt or studio one but still had no clue. Anyone had similar experience?


  • BLawler
    BLawler Member Posts: 13 Member

    The S49 MK3 does not have an audio interface does it? I have the S61 MK3. I think you need to look at your audio interface/drivers/DAW settings. If you don't use the S49 at all (draw in some notes in the DAW), do you have the same issues?

  • LossoLiiig
    LossoLiiig Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thanks for the reply. The problem does not occur when I draw notes in DAW. The problem that confuses me the most is that when I use the count in, the first chord can be heard just as what I played, then the rest suddenly shrinks to sounds with very small volume and sustained for very short time(which I played for two bars). I tried fixed level but still nothing changed. I do not have the same issue with my another portable keyboard and this thing seems to me is very confusing.

  • BLawler
    BLawler Member Posts: 13 Member

    Well- That is a puzzle. I understand that the levels sound fine as you play them in "live", but the playback from the DAW has the problem (first note loud, following notes affected). BUT it all works OK with a different MIDI source. Sorry! I hope someone else has a suggestion.

  • LossoLiiig
    LossoLiiig Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Yeah thanks for the effort, It's like so confusing that I don't even know where the problem lies.

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