Move loops 1 step instead of beatjump value?

Comme Erçial
Comme Erçial Member Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2024 in Mapping Traktor

Helllo! I usually set a 4 bar loop, that I need to be able to move around 1 bar instead of 4 bars (which is the current beatjump value when setting a 4 bar loop) as it worked on the Kontrol X1 mk1.



Best Answer

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod
    Answer ✓

    No worries, I thought this is one beat but needed to double check with you.

    Since it is not possible to assign button type of commands to an encoder this will require remapping Shift and Move encoder. The following are three commands you will need for this.

    Assign "Size Selector" and "Mode Selector" to the Shift button (do not check the Factory override option)

    Assign the "Move" command to your rotary encoder and tick the Factory Override option this time)

    Finally you will also need a Modifier assigned to your shift button (do not Override it though) the modifier will tel the encoder if the Shift is pressed or not.


  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    1 bar = 4 beats

    Do you refer to one beat movement?

  • Comme Erçial
    Comme Erçial Member Posts: 10 Member

    Sorry, i mean one beat! I loved that about the X1 MK1 really seamless feel, set the loop and just move it around per beat.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod
    Answer ✓

    No worries, I thought this is one beat but needed to double check with you.

    Since it is not possible to assign button type of commands to an encoder this will require remapping Shift and Move encoder. The following are three commands you will need for this.

    Assign "Size Selector" and "Mode Selector" to the Shift button (do not check the Factory override option)

    Assign the "Move" command to your rotary encoder and tick the Factory Override option this time)

    Finally you will also need a Modifier assigned to your shift button (do not Override it though) the modifier will tel the encoder if the Shift is pressed or not.

  • Comme Erçial
    Comme Erçial Member Posts: 10 Member

    Tried, didn't get it to work, will try some more!

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    I don't blame you, just tried and there are still bugs with overmapping. Let me see if this can be fixed by introducing a virtual midi driver.

    -What OS do you have installed on your computer?

    -What Deck configuration do you normally use with X1? Decks A + B?

  • Comme Erçial
    Comme Erçial Member Posts: 10 Member

    Almost there, all working except for transport not working while holding shift, just moving the loop points of an inactive loop instead of scrolling back and forth in the track.

  • Comme Erçial
    Comme Erçial Member Posts: 10 Member

    OSX, A+B, mostly hooked up to Pio mixers.

  • Comme Erçial
    Comme Erçial Member Posts: 10 Member

    Got it now, added some Modifier Conditions, in active loop per deck.

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