Arturia library not present in Native Access

Andrea Spaggiari
Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access


my situation is this,

I changed the external SSD where the Arturia libraries were and copied them to a new SSD.

On asc I inserted the new path and now the entire library from kontakt, komplete and native access has disappeared.

I followed the advice to reinstall the third parties and I'm doing it for every single arturia instrument and komplete shows them for me.

Let's not talk about the fact that Arturia's ASC makes me install one plugin at a time because after installation it doesn't proceed to install the others and every time I have to restart the Mac Studio M1 Max

But nothing on kontakt and access!

It's not possible that because I changed an SSD I would have such a problem.

I scanned plugins everywhere but nothing at all. Help me if you can because I can't find a solution. I've tried them all. Thank you


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod

    Let's not talk about the fact that Arturia's ASC makes me install one plugin at a time because after installation it doesn't proceed to install the others and every time I have to restart the Mac Studio M1 Max

    You need to turn on silent installs in options, then it installs them all but make sure the first time you run the installer you have selected to install third party content (ie NKS)

    Nots sure why you are expecting to see Arturia products in Native Access - they are installed via ASC

  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Kymeia I'm sorry, I think I got confused. Arturia is rightly not present on both native access and kontakt. So it's okay that it's only on komplete. Right?

  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Kymeia on arturia asc as I wrote I have already installed the first one by deactivating the silent mode. But then I have to do it in this mode for everyone. And for each tool I have to restart Mac because asc after installing a tool does not allow me to reinstall another one in a row. If I click Uninstall or reinstall it seems to start but then does nothing. So I have to restart the mac every tool. However, I find it absurd that to change an SSD I have to reinstall everything..

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod

    Yes they should show in Komplete Kontrol. But you are having to do this because the Arturia plugins are not libraries, they are applications and plugins and should go on your main drive, not an external drive (the only exception is the ASC can put sample content on the external drive). so no wonder you have to do it after changing the drive, just copying things over isn't going to be enough because applications and plugins need to be in the right places.

  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Kymeia Thank you very much for the explanation. I always make do with everything but with your explanation everything is clearer now. Thank you so much 👍

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod
    edited April 2024

    Also if you set silent installs on after the first one then restart ASC it should complete the rest without intervention

  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    Unfortunately I tried that but it's not like that and I have to keep it deactivated for everyone.. But with patience I will install them all

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod

    It works fine for pretty much everyone else so maybe you need to set full disk access for ASC?

  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    on the question of full access to the disk, unfortunately for security reasons I prefer not to give it to anyone.

    Other vendors don't have these needs so it's not yet clear to me and I can't find explanations on the matter from either native or arturia that are clear.

    If the software to install their products requires this type of user intervention perhaps it should be reviewed and other methods found.

    I don't judge and they certainly have their reasons but on the user side I'm not the only one who is paranoid and thinks about safety first of all.

    It could probably be why I have certain "anomalies" but I don't care. I find alternative solutions.

    As mentioned above I will install one tool at a time.

    Thank you again. Greetings

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,014 mod
    edited April 2024

    on the question of full access to the disk, unfortunately for security reasons I prefer not to give it to anyone.

    I don't judge and they certainly have their reasons but on the user side I'm not the only one who is paranoid and thinks about safety first of all.

    You ought not portrait yourself as being paranoid if just being cautious and "about safety first of all" .

    That said then while all your concerns are fully understandable to me then what remains is that for the stuff having best chance of working then you will have to follow instructions. The way to minimize risks the most is to both use security software but maybe in your case also having to use more computers since you obviously either can not or will not trust computers with e.g. the N.I. software !

    Other vendors don't have these needs so it's not yet clear to me and I can't find explanations on the matter from either native or arturia that are clear.

    In my opinion then the reason for why some makes require more than others with respect to access then it is mostly a question of

    A) The type and level of DRM control used.

    B) Some software relies on access to more other things than others (like e.g. N.A. to all your N.I. apps and content to manage or K.K. to plugins and libraries and Kontakt to libraries). And because of security restrictions imposed by e.g. OS' then to overcome that then for simple functionality you will have to override some of those security measures. (e.g. you wouldn't like to click approve like two hundred times every time that you click something so to avoid that then a more general app approval is needed)

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