How to use more RAM and less CPU using Kontakt 7

Nardis_Miles66 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hello all,

I recently updated my RAM from 32GB to 64GB after seeing how much RAM is used by default with some of the more powerful and extensive Instruments Komplete 14 Instruments like Session Strings Pro 2. (By the way, Session Strings Pro 2 is just mind-blowing! I have been absolutely awestruck by the results I have gotten using this product. I recently came across a bunch of conductor scores from some well-known classical composers full orchestral pieces of music like " -La gazza ladra (The Thieving Magpie) by Gioachino Rossini. (This piece of music is featured heavily in Stanly Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange) (A 10-minute full orchestral piece of music at 160BPM)

As you can imagine there at many changes in articulation and since this piece has around 24 different instruments, (not counting separate instrument tracks for Violin I and Violin II as they are playing different parts, same for Viola I and II, ect.)

By the time I have slowed down the tempo to a speed where I can play and record each part on my MIDI keyboard while following the score, I end up with many instances of Kontakt (for Session Strings pro 2 and BBC Orchestra Professional by Spitfire Audio for all the other Orchestral Instruments. (thus using a lot of CPU and RAM)

  • Now my question to the community out there is about finding a way to get Kontakt 7 to use a higher RAM to CPU ratio now that I have updated my RAM to 64GB. I know there is a function in Kontakt to "Purge all samples" or "reset sample markers" which I do quite often. This is because as soon as I open Session Strings 2 Pro and select (for example) Full Ensemble traditional String Quartet. Before I have even played a single note or selected a single articulation. This instrument uses almost 1GB of RAM. By the time I have Selected a single violin with the articulation I want and "Purged all samples" or "rest sample markers," It shows that I only using 50MB of RAM. (The problem is that the ratio of CPU usage and RAM usage does not seem to change when I updated my RAM to 32GB then 64GB.)
  • This is frustrating because I would be happy to use more RAM and less CPU because I have 64GB of RAM. But for now, it looks as though both the RAM and CPU are lowered together when "Purging" samples, effects, and articulations that I have not selected or played yet. Has anyone got any tips or advice for me?

(I even got a copyright strike on YouTube after attempting to upload a classical orchestral piece of music, I had to write an appeal where I told them that I was flattered that they thought my project was the same MP3/WAV File of a performance by The Berlin Philharmonic. But they were wrong and this was all done on my computer. I explained to them to read the description where they will find that I used Cubase 13 Pro, a link to the free complete score and a list of every track and every plugin I used, and where people listening can find orchestral plugins like Session Strings Pro or BBC Orchestra Professional by Spitfire Audio.)



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 3,283 mod
    edited April 4

    Don't know if there are any tips here that will be of help ? : How Can I Optimize the Performance of Kontakt ?

    Quote : If you are using a 64-bit host sequencer or running Kontakt in 64-bit mode, turn the Use Memory Server option off, since this option has no effect in 64-bit applications, and is likely to lessen Kontakt's performance.

    Otherwise , depending on your hardware platform and OS then it is possible that your OS might offer some type of tweaks but alas I am not up to speed on any of that anymore ! (my stuff is too old anyway !)


    Your impressive endeavor begs the question ! : do you have any tip on where to get those "free complete scores" ?

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