I added a user library. The patches only are found in the "Kontakt" folder. Why?

lahatte Member Posts: 108 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I expected a "Broken Splash" library, but I only see my added library patches in the "Kontakt" folder. See image below. My files are the ones above and including the selected patch.

Also, what IS that "Kontakt" folder? What is the purpose/idea of it?


Best Answers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @lahatte The user presets will also include modified factory presets that you saved. Did you add the user library following these steps? How to Add Non-Player Libraries to KONTAKT 7's Browser

  • ginko
    ginko Member Posts: 23 Member
    Answer ✓

    Searching and I found this thread which I think is really confusing.

    The op was getting his library appearing within the Kontakt library in the User library. If you follow NI's instructions to import a non-licensced third party LIBRARY into K7's browser, as linked to by @Jeremy_NI, you will come across this warning:

    "Note: Select the Custom Libraries tab if you want the Library to appear with the regular Factory content. Click the User Presets tab if you want to add it to the User Library. "

    But this is very confusing because if you "Click the User Presets tab.." to addyour library it will not appear in the User tab. It will indeed be consumed into the Kontakt Library in the User tab. It becomes presets within the Kontakt Library (within Kontakt which is also kinda confusing!). This is what the op was experiencing.


    If you want to have a 3rd party user Library appear in the User tab in K7 (so you can edit the tags!):

    1. import it as a Custom Library as per NI's instructions

    2. move it in your Finder or Explorer to a folder of your own making

    3. add that folder to K7's preferences thus: Cog Wheel>Import Content>User Presets>'Add'

    4. rescan your new folder

    5. and bingo, it will appear in the User tab in K7 and you can edit its tags.

    Why make something simple when it can be complicated eh?


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod

    Seriously? That "Kontakt" folder is Kontakt's Library. And its purpose is same as any other library, it has instruments for you to play... ^_^

  • lahatte
    lahatte Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited July 2023

    It doesn't look like a "Kontakt" library. Also, it is under the "User Content", not the "Factory Content". How did one of My instruments get in there? It looks like some sort of 'catch-all' folder that gets stuff that Kontakt doesn't know what to do with. I don't know. What's there doesn't make sense, which is why I asked.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited July 2023

    Whatever is in your "User Content" folder is because either you, either some program, put them there.

    For example:

    • You have an instrument from Kontakt Library, you do some tweaks and modifications and you save it again. This "save" does not overwrite the original file, but create a new one in your User Content, under a Kontakt folder.
    • Or you have an instrument from a 3rd party Library (lets name it as "Didgeridoo"), you do some tweaks and modifications and you save it again. This "save" does not overwrite the original file, but create a new one in your User Content, under a "Didgeridoo" folder.
    • In case that you never saved anything before, then it is most likely that you, either download some presets and put them there, or, accidentally you installed something there.

    There is no other explanation. I hope it is more clear now. :-)

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited July 2023

    You wrote it yourself : User Content as opposed to Factory Library/Libraries !

    If you look at the Search field in your own first picture of Kontakt then to the right of that field you will see a small icon with like the upper part of a person if you click that you are transported to the User Content down to the right , and if you click the icon again you are going back to all the other stuff. (if you mouse hover over the little icon you will see that it says "Toggle between factory and User-created Content") Anything third party that you add that is not Factory Library ends up in User Content.

    I myself found it extremely confusing since I initially could not find my stuff ! E.g. you can get Drop Designer for free from Sky Box Audio and if you add that into Kontakt that ought to be found in the User Content !


  • lahatte
    lahatte Member Posts: 108 Member

    What is in my image IS the User content page, which by the way, has a lot more than "user content", as much of what is there I did not create.

    During my experimenting I have added 2 libraries to this "User Content" section. The first one I added showed up as a library in the images on the left, as I would expect. I removed that and re-added it to the main content page, so it is no longer on this page.

    The second library I added (this Broken Splash library) does NOT show as a library, but only in the form of patches in the Kontakt folder.

    Yes, it makes no sense.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    Quote : "The first one I added showed up as a library in the images on the left, as I would expect"

    Impossible to have a real opinion on since you do not state the name of the library or where you got it !

    But this is the same experience that I had with the Irish Harp that N.I. gave away a short while ago , Irish Harp also "showed up as a library in the images on the left, as I would expect" , but I think that the reason for this is that N.I. somehow considers it either as 'factory' as far as Kontakt 7 goes even though it is an addition OR what shows on the left us N.I. official purchases from N.I. store !? ... Even though that may not make a lot of sense either..

    Irish Harp at least is N.I. : https://www.native-instruments.com/ni-tech-manuals/irish-harp-manual/en/welcome-to-irish-harp

  • lahatte
    lahatte Member Posts: 108 Member

    They are both my libraries that I created.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @lahatte The user presets will also include modified factory presets that you saved. Did you add the user library following these steps? How to Add Non-Player Libraries to KONTAKT 7's Browser

  • lahatte
    lahatte Member Posts: 108 Member

    As I recall I had added the library to the User section so that I could edit tags. That's where I was seeing the missing stuff, and the additional weird stuff. I have since removed it from there and added it to the main section, but now cannot add tags. Can you please change that?

    The browser is a good start but it seems you are still making things more difficult than they need to be.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited July 2023

    It is really simple dude. Need to extra-tag factory presets (even if they are already fully tagged)? Fine. Move them to User area, tag them, and then move them back to Factory area. It is not that difficult.

  • lahatte
    lahatte Member Posts: 108 Member

    Ok "Dude" :)

    How do you "move to the user area" "and back to factory"?

    This is my own library, not a factory library (unless I am a factory).

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod

    It was really impossible to understand you, sorry.... it was like you said "black" and on the next comment you said "white" and on the third comment you say "red".... Maybe was just me, or maybe you can not express your self correctly or whatever, the point is that you totally confused me (not intentionally of course but maybe because you use wrong terminology)...

    • first, you asked "how did one of My instruments get there?"

    We all answered "because there is, where it was supposed to be, in your user library!"

    • Then 2 posts later, you admit that you did that on purpose!

    So, after that i assumed that it was a factory library, and that's why i wrote my latest comment...

    And, now, suddenly after 13 days, you say for the first time, the most crucial information! That it is YOUR own, home-made Bank! You kept hidden the thing that you should say first!

    ...and we (or at least, me), like idiots, are searching for a "Broken Splash" library and get crazy because we can not find any info of such library!!! 😜


    So, now, after you (finally!) provided the correct info, that it is your bank, i am able to answer to your question:

    "The second library I added (this Broken Splash library) does NOT show as a library, but only in the form of patches in the Kontakt folder."

    This is because you actually saved instruments/patches and not a library! Libraries have in their root folder a file called [library_name].nicnt which you don't have (and most probably you can not create, its a kind of "pro" thing, i am not sure).

    If you check your Factory Libraries you will see that all of them have such file (and this is how they are recognized as libraries), but, a lot of 3rd party libraries, free libraries or home-made libraries do not has such file! And for that reason, Kontakt do not include them as libraries but it only includes their instruments.

    And yes, since it is your work, you should move it back to the User library. It is where it belongs!

    I hope that things are more clear now. :-)

  • lahatte
    lahatte Member Posts: 108 Member


    I did say, not clearly it seems, that it is "My library". I can see how that would not convey the intended meaning.

    Anyway. my library IS a library, for use in Kontakt, but just not having the nicnt file which is where Kontakt looks for the metadata about the library. I did originally put my library in the user section, and only saw the patches listed in the patch list, and no 'library' in the left pane to access those patches directly.

    When I put it in the factory section it works as expected, only I cannot add tags.

    My Broken Splash library is on Pianobook, ww w.pianobook.co.uk /packs/broken-splash-cymbal-gong/

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @lahatte As mentioned before, this is how to add non-player libraries (meaning without nicnt files): How to Add Non-Player Libraries to KONTAKT 7's Browser

    This way your own library will show like any other library.

  • ginko
    ginko Member Posts: 23 Member
    Answer ✓

    Searching and I found this thread which I think is really confusing.

    The op was getting his library appearing within the Kontakt library in the User library. If you follow NI's instructions to import a non-licensced third party LIBRARY into K7's browser, as linked to by @Jeremy_NI, you will come across this warning:

    "Note: Select the Custom Libraries tab if you want the Library to appear with the regular Factory content. Click the User Presets tab if you want to add it to the User Library. "

    But this is very confusing because if you "Click the User Presets tab.." to addyour library it will not appear in the User tab. It will indeed be consumed into the Kontakt Library in the User tab. It becomes presets within the Kontakt Library (within Kontakt which is also kinda confusing!). This is what the op was experiencing.


    If you want to have a 3rd party user Library appear in the User tab in K7 (so you can edit the tags!):

    1. import it as a Custom Library as per NI's instructions

    2. move it in your Finder or Explorer to a folder of your own making

    3. add that folder to K7's preferences thus: Cog Wheel>Import Content>User Presets>'Add'

    4. rescan your new folder

    5. and bingo, it will appear in the User tab in K7 and you can edit its tags.

    Why make something simple when it can be complicated eh?

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