Native Instruments Maschine MKII Displays Not Working properly

MArll Member Posts: 20 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

There are two LED screens at the top. But it's not displaying anything.

There's a backlight but no text. ( if I go into Maschine2 prefs there is a setting for brightness and contrast. The brightness is noticeable but not a great deal).

All the lights are flashing, everything seems to be working but nothing on those screens.

I was expecting a display of some kind...

Have I bought something that is broken?

I so hope not...

Best Answers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,842 mod
    Answer ✓

    @MArll Can you check which version of Controoller Editor is installed on your system? If you open it, can it "see" your device?

    Can you check these steps: My Maschine Controller Does Not Start

    If this doesn't work out, the ultimate test is to try on another computer, if it behaves the same, then it's most probably a hardware defect and our Hardware service is still repairing these, I believe. Here's a link to contact them:

  • CraigM
    CraigM Member Posts: 16 Member
    Answer ✓

    I was also very reluctant, just take your time, do not rush! I thought I was great with the soldering, till my gun started messing around causing me to mess on the board, luckily not doing any damage. In retrospect I'm glad it did bc this prompted me to take it to the electronic store to re solder the USB connector properly & securely to the board. That would be the best option imo - you disassemble, they solder, you re assemble… + you can get all the muck out & it'll feel great. I'm in Cape Town, so didn't have the luxury to send it to an NI Repair Centre + I'm unemployed, so I had to sort it myself… but if it's easier for you depending where you're based, obviously the better option would be to do it via the NI Hardware service. Share the solution + the actual cause of the problem when you get it sorted!

  • MArll
    MArll Member Posts: 20 Member
    Answer ✓

    I just wanted to say thank you for all the advice on the thread.

    I plucked up the courage and with care took it apart.

    It now works perfectly.

    Luckily, I didn't have to solder anything. It was just a case of pushing some pins down on the circuit board.

    ( Actually, the slot for the USB cable is still a little wobbly).

    I'm glad I did it. When you know something well it gives you confidence. Captain of the ship and all that : )


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,842 mod

    @MArll What's your operating system? Is the device recognised by your computer? By the Maschine software? Can you maybe do a short video and post it here so we can see how it looks like? I've enabled you to post links or you can zip the video and attach it here if it's not too big.

  • CraigM
    CraigM Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited March 2024

    This happened to me twice. - Maschine Mikro MK1.

    1. 1 I opened mine up to clean, put everything back together, lights up, no text. Reopened & found the inner ribbon from the display wasn't properly inserted into the clamp down section on the board. Opened the clamps & inserted the ribbon as far as it would go before closing the clamps down. To help me hold the ribbon in the small slot while pulling the 2 clamps down at the same time, I taped the ribbon down 1st in the position & then closed the clamps (have to close it simultaneously to lock else 1 corner of the ribbon pops out, or the opposite side of the clamps pops UP if 1 side is pushed down as the clamp is a single white horizontal bar that slides down to lock). Leave the tape in place as this prevents the ribbon slipping out. Be VERY careful when opening or closing the bar, ESPECIALLY when opening cos I pulled it out of the fitting it pops into, & it is only probably 1.5mm "thick" & 2 cm in length. This process where the ribbon slots into & gets clamped down is the exact process 1 would do when cleaning your laptop keyboard (it also has a ribbon that connects to the m/board via a similar clamp down slot. Difficulty 5/10.

    1. 2 Didn't open it to clean but same symptoms - Opened & found USB connector solder points were loose (The amount of solder used is way too little), giving intermittent connectivity, soldered it but not well bc had trouble with my gun, bought 2 new USB connectors (1 as a spare), took it to an Electronics / Hobbyist store (they do alotta soldering), explained to the guy what was wrong & he sorted it in 2 minutes - that was +5 years ago & its still working. Keep in mind, bc he wouldn't know about the display ribbon, & he would've DEFINITELY broken it had he opened it & lifted the board out - instead, I disassembled & re disassembled it for him to prevent any damage AND bc there's alot of screws. Only charged me R20 (1.053 USD). To alleviate this, I've put a plastic block around the USB connector hole to make it deeper (like the KKM32) to prevent side to side & top to bottom movement & taped most of the USB cable to the unit to prevent any movement. To make this even better, a USB cable with a right angled connector plugging into the unit works very well. If you can't find 1 with the proper amps, get 1 made, most times you can get a high quality cable made for a lower price than 1 bought over the counter. Difficulty 2/10.

    1. 3 Possibly it could just be a cable problem, so swop out & test FIRST & then refer to 1.1 & 1.2
  • MArll
    MArll Member Posts: 20 Member


    I will try and make a video clip and post it shortly...

  • MArll
    MArll Member Posts: 20 Member

    Here is a link: Maschine Displays Not Working properly.

    Sorry, it's pretty rough. I don't have a decent camera for making videos.

    I am on Windows 10.

    Just to add, when I first hooked it up it did display monochrome text ( one screen said Maschine, I can't remember what was on the other screen but there was text on there as well).

    I had a pretty awful time setting it up, I followed the link on the booklet the library software disc was in only to discover that it was a link to an outdated Native Access app. When I updated it appeared in the MIDI preferences of Ableton and FL Studio but still did nothing. After a while, I managed to install the maschine software and, bingo, a ripple of coloured lights.

    But no LED display. There is a backlight but no text etc.

    I was able to load library presets. I can only use the software in demo mode because I bought it secondhand and the former owner has to transfer the licence to me. I've spoken to him about it and he's sorting that out for me. ( Fingers crossed).

    It's also obvious that the unit is in mint condition but he cannot remember if there were problems. He says he didn't use it much hence why he decided to sell it.

    As I said, the text appeared initially but hasn't come back since. I've tried updating the software and plugging into various USB ports. No joy.

    Regarding the second reply, I'm not even going to think about taking it apart... I am too clumsy and can't risk damaging it. It would be catastrophic I fear.

    If it isn't resolvable that would be a shame because it's the self-contained and portable aspects are the main reasons I bought it. A portable unit for ideas and also because of the sampler amongst other things.

    Anyway, see what you think and thanks again for replying.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,842 mod
    Answer ✓

    @MArll Can you check which version of Controoller Editor is installed on your system? If you open it, can it "see" your device?

    Can you check these steps: My Maschine Controller Does Not Start

    If this doesn't work out, the ultimate test is to try on another computer, if it behaves the same, then it's most probably a hardware defect and our Hardware service is still repairing these, I believe. Here's a link to contact them:

  • CraigM
    CraigM Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited March 2024

    There are vids demonstrating the disassembly. Else take it to any electronics store - a motherboard is a motherboard & ANY electronics store solders 100% of the time, it's literally what they do. Only reason why I suggest you do the disassembly is to avoid damaging the ribbon or the clamp down bar. Other option is to show them the video of the disassembly, so that they can do it & be aware of the ribbon, they'll have 1 look & know EXACTLY how to do it, as ALL electronics (laptops, tvs, etc) have these parts on the motherboards - if you do not clean your laptop keyboard yourself, then the IT guy that you / your employer utilizes to service your IT hardware, will also be able to do this. Sooner or later you WILL have to open your Maschine to clean inside bc the pads & all other buttons will get sticky / less responsive - the longer you wait to clean it, dust will build up & create friction between the underside of the pads / buttons, conductive sheet & the motherboard, which will lead to the PCB paint getting scratched off, in turn leading to less / no response at all.

  • MArll
    MArll Member Posts: 20 Member

    Ahh, didn't realise there was a video.

    That helps a lot. I may even be able to do it myself. I'm sure you can understand my reluctance to do it. I have habit of making things worse especially without any guidance. I appreciate the help.

    To Jeremy, I'll check what you suggest and get back to you.

    Thanks again.

  • MArll
    MArll Member Posts: 20 Member

    Hi again,

    The controller editor is version 2.8.2 and it sees/connects with the hardware.

    I also tried on a laptop and it's acting the same so I think, at this stage it's physically defective.

    Everything else seems to be working as expected

    . I'm just a bit gutted that I didn't know when I bought it. It is second hand and all you can hope for is it's in good faith. I don't think the previous owner was aware as he says he hardly ever used it. It is in very good condition, not a scratch on it. Unfortunately

    , I don't have any money to spare at the moment so I would have to repair it myself.

    I know there are videos of it now so I will look and see what I can glean from that.

    The license business isn't sorted yet although I am pretty sure it will get sorted soon.

    I feel a bit disconsolate about it…

  • CraigM
    CraigM Member Posts: 16 Member
    Answer ✓

    I was also very reluctant, just take your time, do not rush! I thought I was great with the soldering, till my gun started messing around causing me to mess on the board, luckily not doing any damage. In retrospect I'm glad it did bc this prompted me to take it to the electronic store to re solder the USB connector properly & securely to the board. That would be the best option imo - you disassemble, they solder, you re assemble… + you can get all the muck out & it'll feel great. I'm in Cape Town, so didn't have the luxury to send it to an NI Repair Centre + I'm unemployed, so I had to sort it myself… but if it's easier for you depending where you're based, obviously the better option would be to do it via the NI Hardware service. Share the solution + the actual cause of the problem when you get it sorted!

  • MArll
    MArll Member Posts: 20 Member


    .I'm also out of work at the moment.

    I can do most things when I apply myself but soldering, for some reason, I'm clumsy with… I can't tell you how many pairs of headphones I've screwed up.

    I'll let you know how I get on.

    Thanks again for the advice.

  • MArll
    MArll Member Posts: 20 Member
    Answer ✓

    I just wanted to say thank you for all the advice on the thread.

    I plucked up the courage and with care took it apart.

    It now works perfectly.

    Luckily, I didn't have to solder anything. It was just a case of pushing some pins down on the circuit board.

    ( Actually, the slot for the USB cable is still a little wobbly).

    I'm glad I did it. When you know something well it gives you confidence. Captain of the ship and all that : )

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