LC6000 Backspin Problem



  • Arne Zanter
    Arne Zanter Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited February 2024

    If anyone wants to optimize this further, the 4 Jog-Wheel Modes are:





    It seems like Denon combines these Values to get the best possible readout from the Jog on EngineOS.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Interesting. Never seen such a cool CC implementation before.

    Kinda want to check out the LC6000 now.

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    This afternoon, when I get home, I'll try it quietly. Thanks for sharing.

  • Arne Zanter
    Arne Zanter Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited February 2024

    Had one error here, Ch01.CC.031 was hex, its Ch01.CC.049 in dec.

    So again:

    Ch01.CC.055 -> Jog Direction (Values 00 or 7F)

    (One quirk here, 00 is neutral in Traktor, Traktor expects 01 or 7F)

    Ch01.CC.054 -> Jog Speed with Direction (1-63 = forward, 127-63 = backward)

    (This sensor is overshooting the midi spec, so if you spin too fast it dips into the other range. Although this theoretically makes the sensor even more precise, the question remains as to how you can tell Traktor that the direction should be maintained in the event of an overshoot.)

    This is why the double Assignment seems to work, because CC.017 then forces Traktor at fast speeds to hold direction. (But if CC.017 is active at too low speeds, light audio glitches will occur while this sensor jumps to the next step.)

    Ch01.CC.049 -> Jog Position (High Resolution/UltraFineSteps) -> best value for slow jog movements

    (Traktor skips when movement is too fast)

    Ch01.CC.017 -> Jog Position (Low Resolution/Big Steps) -> best value for fast jog movements

    (Traktor skips when movement is too slow)

    CC.049 + CC.017 combined should be the best solution if we had the option of dynamically switching between the two.

    This must happen depending on the speed (CC.054).

    If rotation speed will overshoot a certain limit, we have to force traktor into "hold direction".

    This could happen via Jog Direction Value (CC.055).

    I can tinker this together into bome, but i have no clue how to do this native in Traktor.

    Here are some Screenshots from the Raw Values, just convert hex to dec:

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    My opinion is that in practice everything is simpler.

    cc017 acts as expected, it is true that when the jog is moved very very slowly there are tiny jumps due to the midi messages, but I do not perceive cuts in the sound. The question is, who moves the jog so slowly for this to be a problem?

    I use cc054 for the "seek Position" function (Jog+Shift).

    With this configuration, I think it meets the expectations of the vast majority. It's much better than how I had it configured before, I appreciate that.

  • Djdubpt
    Djdubpt Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hi guys,

    After a long time searching solutions to use denon lc6000 with Traktor, I finally found this post that seems it could solve it.

    Based on what I’ve read, it seems you guys have put a big effort to get this to work.

    Im a complete dumb in what concerns to midi map a controller, and I really wanted so much to get this working, as I’m a big fan of Traktor and not much a supporter of all other dj software.

    So, I’d love to know if there’s any chance of you guys help me with this, and where and how can I get a midi map for use a pair of lc6000 for each deck.

    I’ve already tried to use them with a midi map available @ DJ TechTools, but I couldn’t get to put each one controlling a deck…

    I would be very grateful if it there’s a chance for you to make it possible.

    Many Thanks

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    The forum rules do not allow me to share the link to the mapping you are looking for since it is paid, but if you search on Google you will find it quickly.

  • Djdubpt
    Djdubpt Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks for the help, I think I know what you’re referring to.

    I’ll check it out and probably acquire it.

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