Native Access 2 says not enough space to update / download...

SamNI Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Good Morning All,

This morning I logged into Native Access 2 and saw I had 12 products to update, including Session Strings Pro 2 (this will be important in a minute). I selected "Update All" and received an error message saying "Not enough space." The approx. space needed was 50 GB (Session Strings Pro 2 was approx. 39 GB). FYI - I save all my content to an external drive (always have) and checked the amount available -- I have approx. 560 GB available. Still, nothing would update. I scrolled down to Sessions Strings Pro 2 and it had the red letter alert "not enough space" message so I assume it is the primary cause of the issue, and not the other smaller updates. I switched over to Native Access 1 (I'm on a Mac Intel) and opened Native Access 1. Under updates I saw 6 of them, so I'm assuming the 12 under Native Access 2 included 6 that were NOT compatible with Native Access 1. So, while still in Native Access 1, I updated the 6 I could without a problem. FYI -- I checked all my instruments install paths and they are all what they've been for the last several years -- pointing to the external drive with the 560 GB free. I went back to Native Access 2, re-launched and now saw 6 products to update. I tried again and rec'd the same "not enough space" message. I closed all programs, and re-started my Mac (iMac 2020 2 TB drive with 72GB ram. (FYI -- trash is empty). Once everything re-booted, I opened Native Access 2 again (also, I checked to see it is the most current updated version and it is), and tried to update the 6 remaining instruments. No luck. Still get "not enough space" despite having more than 500 GB on the external drive, which is the same install path/ drive I've always used. Anyone have the same experience and/or have any ideas? Thanks.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,128 mod

    How much space is available in the download location?

  • SamNI
    SamNI Member Posts: 14 Member

    Approx 560 GB.

  • SamNI
    SamNI Member Posts: 14 Member

    When you say "download location" I'm assuming the external hard drive where all my content instrument libraries are.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,115 Expert
    edited March 2024


    Check your NA Preferences and confirm what the "download" directory is - NOT where you actually install your libraries. These are usually two very different folder locations.

    And - if it says "not enough space - your machine is reporting not enough space.

    In my experience - you will need approx 2.5x the total space of the 12 updates - so 130+ GB to get this working. Downloads require space for the actual download, then space for expansion of the download, temp space to install the download and then a cleanup routine at the end.

    If Session Strings is reporting 39GB all by itself - your "download location folder" will need at least 78GB for sure. But probably a tad more.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,128 mod

    Depends how you have Native Access configured - the download location can be different from the content

  • SamNI
    SamNI Member Posts: 14 Member

    Thanks. I’ll be in front of machine tonight and will try that and report back.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,668 mod
    edited March 2024

    Also check this ! : Quote: reffahcs 2024-03-07 (screenshots included in original post !)

    Check with Disk Utility to see if you have any snapshots that are taking up space.

    You'll have to enable show snapshots first though if you haven't already.

    You can also verify this by going to the terminal and typing du -H

    If NA is complaining about disk space, more than likely you will see a difference in free space in the terminal compared to Disk Utility.

  • SamNI
    SamNI Member Posts: 14 Member

    Hi All. Well, my iMac system drive currently has 588.85 GB available, the external drive where I save my NI Content has 576.54 GB available, and I deleted all Time Machine snapshots (see attached picture). More updates were released since this morning. A total of 28 GB, NOT including East Asia (26.41 GB) and Sessions Strings Pro 2 (36.83 GB). I was able to download and update all the smaller files. It's almost as if Native Access 2 views large files (like East Asia) differently than multiple smaller ones, even if combined the smaller ones are equivalent or even larger in size. I never had this issue in Notice Access 1 (and tried it again tonight but the two remaining offending updates (East Asian and Sessions String Pro 2) don't appear as updates in Native Access 1. FYI -- I even followed the NI suggestion to change the "download" folder to an external and I did that to see if it helps. No luck. I still get "not enough space to download or install" message even thought I clearly do. Any others possibilities?

  • SamNI
    SamNI Member Posts: 14 Member

    By the way, this all started when I tried to grab the free Jacob Collier Audience Choir NI just offered. The instructions were to "Find Jason Collier Audience Choir in the "New" tab and hit install." There is no NEW tab in Native Access 2, or at least, as far as I can see...

  • SamNI
    SamNI Member Posts: 14 Member

    Follow up -- I have no idea why this problems exists. But I found my workaround -- instead of updating, I re-installed both programs with the most recent version. But if anyone knows why it happened in the first place, I'd be happy to learn. I still can't download the Jacob Collier Choir as I still don't see a tab marked "new" in Native Access 2. Thoughts?

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