External mixer for maschine mk3

AxMusic Member Posts: 132 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello all, I;m looking for an external mixer to use in maschine 2 (software) with the maschine mk3.

looking at these two potential options..

Anyone have any information on how either of these work with maschine (set up, ease of use, compatibility with the software, etc..)

Icon Pro Audio v1-M

Zoom Livetrak 12


thanks to all for any info provided.



  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,203 Expert

    They're two completely different things. If you want a hardware mixer (not just a controller for your computer), then that's the Zoom unit.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 801 Pro

    good point @PK The DJ

    alternatively if you want a software based controller that can adjust parameters volumes etc etc...

    you could just look for the Maschine jam... and with the correct software you can do something like this to control things...

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,627 mod

    Maschine doesn't support control surfaces so you can scratch that off the list, not sure what protocol iCon uses but should be Mackie MCU or something similar, those are meant for real DAW's.

    As for a more traditional mixer any you like would do, just make sure they have USB multi-track capability.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 801 Pro
    edited March 2024

    true that... mackie MCU is such an old protocol... its more trouble than its worth!!

    also minimal if any.... customisation and very rigid in practical use

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,627 mod
    edited March 2024

    Well, yeah... Like MIDI 1.0... I am not sure if more trouble than what is worth is fair tho, it's basically to imitate a traditional console with faders, meters, etc... Not sure how much their target audience wants to customize such a traditional layout.

    The only way around Mackie is for the DAW to have it's own protocol/api, many do: Logic, Ableton, S1, etc... This iCon mixer now uses an app bridge that apparently adds more functionality on top of the Mackie standard, called iMap.

    It would be cool is DAW companies came together and settled on a new universal modern standard but innovation moves slow in Audio land.

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 132 Helper

    Got it, appreciate everyone’s input.

    It’s disappointing the Maschine hasn’t given their mixer any updates as of yet..

    The mixer could def do for some TLC.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 801 Pro

    run ahead... and dont wait for NI - developers to do anything for you.... as other software developers have likely already done what you are wishing for...

    the only real work you have to do.... is know what you want... search for want you want... and integrate it the way you want....

    integration requires tools... invest in the tools needed to integrate software & hardware...

    once you see and understand how something can be integrated... you are well on your way and ahead of the pack!!

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 132 Helper
  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,203 Expert

    @AxMusic I'm interested to hear your opinion. What updates would you say the mixer needs?

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 132 Helper

    I mentioned it before on another thread but I can’t find it.

    I also seem to remember getting a reply from someone at NI saying this was something that could be implemented soon, but that was like 4 years ago,,,


    I’m a big fan of the Groups to sounds system, especially with Drum sounds (if I have all my Drum sounds -kick, snare, HH, etc.. in Group B

    the plug in section at the Group level acts like a Drum Bus in a traditional DAW)

    This is awesome, and great when picking sounds & gluing the together with effects.

    However when mixing switching between groups and sounds can be a hindrance…

    It would be great to have a feature to bypass the groups and sounds that aren't in use..

    so lets say i have Group A is labeled "Sample" 

    But only sound slots 1, and 2 have something on them

    And Group B has sounds on slots 1-5 filled 

    we would need some sort of collapsable window button

    to mix all the sounds side by side....

    that way you don't have to switch between groups to mix a single sound...

    Also pining non NI plugins would be nice.... (preferably NKS plug ins)

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 801 Pro
    edited March 2024

    the maschine Jam allows for some of the functionality you are referring to....

    in the sense that.. you can switch between control, by doing a couple of keypress combinations

    the master volume

    the group level volumes

    the sound level volumes

    dont quote me on this but with the Mac version of maschine and D-ones script i believe you could have the view of mk3 on the sound levels mixer.... and the maschine Jam on the group levels...(i will need to check this)

    but again there are other methods of obtaining control over levels from a Plugin mixer standpoint and a feedback monitoring standpoint... as i demonstrated in the video i put up

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 801 Pro

    if of course you were referring to the interface of maschine and operating levels with a mouse.. from within the software, then perhaps that aspect of monitoring levels and seeing all the names of instruments groups etc etc... might be useful

    but i have found when i want to identify a sound that is playing in the mix... i will look closely at the levels and listen to the music to know where sounds are situated...

    with both the Jam and the mk3 the mixer provides enough feedback to gauge whats going on, and where

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 132 Helper

    Oh Yeah,? I didn’t know it was possible to have them view separate mixing views on each maschine…

    How would I do this? & what do you mean by D-ones script?

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 132 Helper

    Yeah, I was referring to Mixing traditionally in a DAW with a mouse.. that’s were a traditional mixing set up would be most beneficial.

    Thats why I was looking initially for an external mixer.. in theory by routing sounds into the mixer you could circumvent the groups/sounds set up when mixing the levels.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 801 Pro
    edited March 2024

    Dont quote me on this but with the Mac version of maschine and D-ones script i believe you could have the view of mk3 on the sound levels mixer.... and the maschine Jam on the group levels...(i will need to check this)

    in my initial quote... i tested with D-ones's script(mac only), to attempt to get separation of controls.... ie.. Group level vs sound level, this doesnt work inside standalone.... using plugin in their default state, as what tends to happen(you may be aware of this) is when switching between group/sound level.... A maschine jam and Mk2/mk3 unit while in maschine mode will act globally...

    this behaviour can be decoupled by having 1 unit in midi mode and the other in maschine mode...

    so as a means of being practical and to save time...

    you would only map&route the group levels in midi mode... reason being there is less groups vs sounds per group

    and so having control of the sounds levels in maschine mode makes sense... less mapping to do

    in my view this is only practical if you have a midi controller that provides feedback levels(which Maschine Jam's have), and can receive midi feedback(LED feedback) ... as the need to switch between more than 8 groups will eventually come about, where the encoders or LED's require midi feedback in order to update their respective positions...

    this brings me to another point... and always comes back to the DAW one uses... and how well the implementation of midi feedback is implemented!! this is a crucial part in the whole levels feedback on a midi controller... but as far as the Reaper DAW goes... Realearn a user made VST, solves this problem...

    how midi feedback etc is implemented on other DAWs one would have to explore and figure out...

    if however you work with Reaper i can show you enough to get you up and running...

    let me know if you want to go down that path

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