where were we told that the Traktor-Software get a price increase of 20%? o.O

The Sarge
The Sarge Member Posts: 175 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

due to buying me a laptop today and the EULA I was nearly buying a 2nd Traktor-Licence, but then the cart showed me "119€" instead of the normal "99€"

where this anywhere written? is there TraktorPro4 around the corner to justify 20% (in words: twenty!) higher price then last month?

and yes, I got subscirbed to newsletter from NI, but after 1 unsubscribe a few years ago and resubscribe little time later, I don´t get regular NI-mails, finiding out by other forum etc. that some mails are missing

that´s not a rant-posting, it´s just a writing down about my confusion and disappointed things the last months/years happen between NI and us loyal customers (since FM7 I was a NI-fanboy, but more´n´more hard to raise the flag for them)

I´m not sure what I´ll do now, cause EULA says "yes install on 2 computer but using only on 1", but the easiest way "buying a 2nd license" is not the thing I wanna simply chose!


The Sarge!

Best Answer

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited March 2024 Answer ✓

    Native Instruments don't add VAT when paying. I live in the UK and have always paid what was shown on the product page.

    The current UK price that I see (£104.00) converts to about €120.

    Re: where do NI inform users that prices are going up? – I am fairly certain they do not. No one really does that, in my experience. You find out when you go to the product page and see the new price. This isn't sneaky, it's normal. That doesn't negate your feeling disappointed and confused, which is a fair response to finding out the price has changed a very short time before you made a decision to buy. I know that feeling.

    Contact support if you want absolute certainty, but to me the EULA is very clear on this and you do not need to buy a second license, nor should you need to worry about activation unless you have previously activated Traktor on multiple computers and not deactivated them (I don't know how the latter works, never having tried it).

    The Traktor page says you are allowed two total simultaneous activations. You're only wanting to use it on two computers. You're not planning on using it on both computers at the same time. So your intended use case complies with the license terms. You should not need to activate and deactivate to switch between the two computers.

    I would go ahead and activate it on the laptop and only if you are prevented from doing so would you need to contact support to ensure there are no old activations still registered for computers you no longer use. Some vendors show activations on your account page where the purchased software is listed and you can deactivate any computer from there even if you no longer have that computer. It seems NI does not. This would be a good thing for them to add.

    Edit: The Traktor page says two computers, but links to the general EULA which says three. I suspect you're actually allowed three – because the general EULA is the complete agreement with NI when you purchase software – and the Traktor page has not been correctly updated. You'd need to ask support to be sure. Either way, you're within the limit with two activations.

    Relevant part of the linked EULA

    Licensee may install and personally use the licensed software on three devices (e.g. one computer, one laptop, one workstation), provided that the said software is used only on one device regularly. Simultaneous use on more than one hardware device is not permitted.



  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    How many computers do you need to run Traktor on at the same time?

    If you already have a license, you don't need another one unless you are going to run two copies of Traktor simultaneously.

  • The Sarge
    The Sarge Member Posts: 175 Advisor

    1, for sure

    and yes, it should stay on the desktop too, because there´s all my other DAW, MASCHINE, YouTube-things etc. on it, and organizing the Traktor-library is on the bigger screen much more comfort than on a 15"-Laptop

    but how do I change the activate-status everytime? read there something in the FAQ or EULA that the activation is merged with a PC-hardware-profil, but as I have a Desktop and next week a Laptop they´re ofcourse different

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    I do not know if the pricing issue is due to some tax thing like V.A.T. (value added tax).

    Anyway , since you obviously have no intention of cheating then you ought to run your inquiry past the Account and license support and ask them if you need a second license or if there are any way to get a discount if they think that you need a second license.

    Else , if not in a hurry then I am not sure if Traktor Pro is discounted during the sales but you could check at next sale ! Also , you could keep an eye on PluginBoutique !

  • The Sarge
    The Sarge Member Posts: 175 Advisor
    edited March 2024

    "I do not know if the pricing issue is due to some tax thing like V.A.T. (value added tax)."

    till yesterday I never had to pay VAT to NI, they´re in Germany and me too

    thanks for the tip with PlugInBoutique and the Support-Team-asking

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited March 2024 Answer ✓

    Native Instruments don't add VAT when paying. I live in the UK and have always paid what was shown on the product page.

    The current UK price that I see (£104.00) converts to about €120.

    Re: where do NI inform users that prices are going up? – I am fairly certain they do not. No one really does that, in my experience. You find out when you go to the product page and see the new price. This isn't sneaky, it's normal. That doesn't negate your feeling disappointed and confused, which is a fair response to finding out the price has changed a very short time before you made a decision to buy. I know that feeling.

    Contact support if you want absolute certainty, but to me the EULA is very clear on this and you do not need to buy a second license, nor should you need to worry about activation unless you have previously activated Traktor on multiple computers and not deactivated them (I don't know how the latter works, never having tried it).

    The Traktor page says you are allowed two total simultaneous activations. You're only wanting to use it on two computers. You're not planning on using it on both computers at the same time. So your intended use case complies with the license terms. You should not need to activate and deactivate to switch between the two computers.

    I would go ahead and activate it on the laptop and only if you are prevented from doing so would you need to contact support to ensure there are no old activations still registered for computers you no longer use. Some vendors show activations on your account page where the purchased software is listed and you can deactivate any computer from there even if you no longer have that computer. It seems NI does not. This would be a good thing for them to add.

    Edit: The Traktor page says two computers, but links to the general EULA which says three. I suspect you're actually allowed three – because the general EULA is the complete agreement with NI when you purchase software – and the Traktor page has not been correctly updated. You'd need to ask support to be sure. Either way, you're within the limit with two activations.

    Relevant part of the linked EULA

    Licensee may install and personally use the licensed software on three devices (e.g. one computer, one laptop, one workstation), provided that the said software is used only on one device regularly. Simultaneous use on more than one hardware device is not permitted.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    You are very welcome 🙂

    With respect to the V.A.T. (deutsche Mehrwertsteuer) then you probably knows better than I and I haven't checked what the German V.A.T. rate actually is and on which items it is charged. But N.I. explains at the section "Was bedeutet VAT?" here !

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited March 2024

    Actually this is what the EULA says , please notice the emphasized ! :

    3.3 Licensee may install and personally use the licensed software on three devices (e.g. one computer, one laptop, one workstation), provided that the said software is used only on one device regularly. Simultaneous use on more than one hardware device is not permitted. The Products may not be used on a network by multiple users, unless each user possesses a license. In case Licensee changes the hardware, all software on the hardware used must be deleted.

    So ! despite that you are allowed the personal use of the licensed software on three devices then you are still only allowed to use the software on one device regularly !

    Anyway , as I advice above then The Sarge still ought to ask support and see what they say ! With respect to license questions and use of same then support holds the final word not the forum !

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited March 2024

    The "regularly" part is weird. It's quite possibly not enforceable due to lack of clarity. What does "regularly" mean? The word does not have a singular clear definition that can apply to all use cases. What's the point of allowing multiple computers if you can't use it as needed on all of them? Even more so if you have to guess when and for how long you are allowed. Terms in legal agreements need clear definitions, else they can be held to be up to individual interpretation.

    I maintain that chances are extremely high the OP's use case fits within the terms of the agreement. But I agree support can help clarify Native Instruments' intent.

  • The Sarge
    The Sarge Member Posts: 175 Advisor

    thanks for the answers and help

    unfortunately the german Version of the EULA also uses "regularly" ("regelmäßig")

    for me I planned this situation: using TraktorPro3 with my (soon coming) laptop and when I want to reorganize the track-collection (adding or clean out tracks) I use it on the desktop as until now - so this will/is for me a "regularly" use with 1 device

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    The license says that you can have it installed on two devices and only use it on one at the same time.

    Or is the licensing model in England different than in Germany?

  • The Sarge
    The Sarge Member Posts: 175 Advisor

    you reduced it to your personal important words ;)

    it´s written in the EULA more difficualt, as quoted/written by some others: "provided that the said software is used only on one device regularly

    maybe you can explain me, how this "regularly" is meant, thx (not offend)

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod

    I think the basic idea of any software EULA is to prevent somebody making a boatload of money without paying the IP holders. Nobody is going to sue you when you privately run Traktor on two or even three of your own personal computers with a single license, making no profit. The EULA is not meant to make users angry but to have a legal base for a lawsuit about big money.

    Us singularly insignificant users are below notice. If we weren't, then i wouldn't be coding traktor mods for fear of retaliation. The worst i expect, with extremely low probability, would be a C&D letter.


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    You can just install Traktor on a second computer, it's no problem, you don't have to do anything.

    The 120 EUR is not a vat thing, the price has increased last month. It's 120 EUR even before checkout.

  • The Sarge
    The Sarge Member Posts: 175 Advisor

    the VAT-thing didn´t come from me, and is still cleared, but nevertheless thank you

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited March 2024

    My reason for mentioning the VAT thing in the first place were partly because of a misunderstanding thinking that the price difference had been shown at same visit on site and partly because the amount (approximately %20) sounded like a typical VAT number . But as The Sarge say then that is cleared !

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