Massive X: is performer and LFO sync still an issue in 2022?

jamesc Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Massive X & Synths

Hi there,

When I first used Massive X I was very disapointed that the LFO and performer modulators had no option to sync to the transport in the DAW. The only options are fully free-running or start on note. But I have always wanted the modulators to sync to the song transport as that is a very very useful tool (that every other synth I use can do..).

I decided to use Massive X again this week, and discovered I quite like the sound quality, but why can I still not sync the modulators to song position in the transport? Is this a known bug? Reaktor can, I'm pretty sure Massive 1 can, and Massive X's competitors definitely can (Vital and Serum). I'm just confused as to whether I'm missing something or if this has really slipped under the radar for this long?

I'd love to have another amazing wavetable synth at my fingertips but this omission is bizarre...



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod

    I never thought about that, i used this in massive for drum like patterns and alike. But strangely never missed it in massive x, i would prefer another trigger octave and the possibility to define one trigger note per LFO, this way you could use different note length for gating different LFOs and also use it to reset the LFO only with that one note, and another LFO with another note on a different position. But anyway I really love massive x a lot as it already is but there is always room for improvement.


  • jamesc
    jamesc Member Posts: 2 Member

    I think it comes down to just having the option to sync to transport if you want it to. having the modulation full on free running all the time is bizarre for such a rhythmic set of modulators. and I'd rather not trigger all the modulators every single time I want them to start because it is so easy for them to desync from the DAW transport.

  • spiffo
    spiffo Member Posts: 2 Member

    I'm with you jamesc

    I've only just started using the Performers but this was my first big head scratch, why on earth is this thing free running all the time?

    I already have the Melody in the DAW Track so what I want is to have the Performer start from the beginning when the DAW Starts so that the notes that are already in the DAW are in Sync with the custom Modulations I've setup in Performer!

    Basically unless I'm missing something it looks like you either have to use the Performer for everything, Melody, Modulation, etc.. or you just don't use it at all!

  • spiffo
    spiffo Member Posts: 2 Member

    Actually there's a kind of a fudge!

    If you turn ON Remote Octave and say want to re-trigger P1 - Slot 1, go into your DAW Melody Track and place a C-2 Note in there (or in my case in Cakewalk a C0 because there's no bloody standard for this naming convention).

    But what you also have to do is lower the velocity of the C-2 right down so you can't hear it, just use it as a re-start trigger, blimey why is this so difficult 😩

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod
    edited April 2022

    No you don't need to make velocity low, if you activate the remote oktave you don't hear notes from that oktave.


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