Help with Internal Connections

Matty260 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Hi all,

Im building a synthesiser for my university assignment due tomorrow and ran into an issue. I have 6 different outputs running into a mixer, and then into a global filter however this felt counter intuitive. My lecturer told me to create separate filters for each OSC, then into the mixer but to link each individual filter to the global filter using Internal Connections so despite having a filter for each OSC they could only be altered by the global Filter. However, the Connect tab on the left hand side is Grey and unusable and I have not been able to find a fix for it yet (New to Reaktor lol)

Would appreciate any help if anyone knows a fix.

Thanks and have a good day


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod


    a diagram or a screenshot would be a much easier way for us here to understand your case

    still... by "Internal Connections" i assume he means the IC Send and IC Receive modules, not the Connect Tab.

  • Matty260
    Matty260 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited March 2024

    Hi there,

    Apologies I thought I had added a photo but I guess not, I will attach one now.

    As you can see my signal runs into the mixer and then into the Multi Filter, but I wanted to put the mixer after the multi filter without routing the 6 different signal paths into one output if that makes sense.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,996 mod
    edited March 2024

    I edited the post for you to show the screenshot (which I meant the intention and reason for your double posting) and deleted the double post.

    However it would be much better if you attached the Reaktor save file so that people could use that to work with directly !

    (I can not do it but maybe Sunborn can ?)

    P.S. Since this is an university assignment then there probably is a fine line here with respect to helping that ought not be overstepped as not to put the OP in a situation that would be considered cheating ! (?)

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    Seems to me that there may be some miscommunication or misunderstanding or both between you, your lecturer and Reaktor. Particularly in the context of multiple oscillators vs Reaktors poly/mono settings.

    In general, for voice management you want a separate filter unit per voice unit (unless you are doing something interesting like a paraphonic synth). However, polyphony does that for you automatically in Reaktor.

    In the case of multiple oscillator's per voice, usually they would be mixed and sent to one (or more) per voice filters. It would be very unusual for each of multipme per voice oscillators to have it's own filter. That would be a strange design decision unless there is something more specific and unusual about this particular assignment that you haven't explained.

    Filters are expensive!

    Maybe you should communicate with your lecturer about this. You won't learn much if we do the work for you, and there is clearly something missing here in terms of understanding between you and your lecturer.

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