Kontakt 7 player, Cinematic Studio Solo Strings and Cakewalk

cadman95682 Member Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I create an instrument track and an audio track. I record something, stop and the audio track plays back. Now I do the same thing, but i don't like the take, so I undo the recording a record again. This time i get the midi track recorded but there is no audio track. What am I doing wrong? Sorry to ask such a dumb question but I just don't get it.


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    So... you have a problem with the finished result of the track or with the freezing of the track?

    Could you please elaborate, good sir?

  • cadman95682
    cadman95682 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Sure, Milos. Usually when I record an audio track and I want to do it over, I'll stop the recording, hit control z, w (to rewind) and record again. However, when using Kontakt, I'll record midi on the instrument track and audio on the audio track with Kontakt being the input and my master being the output. If I don't like what I've recorded and I undo the recording, I have to reload theinstrument into the instrument track and the audio track. If I don't, the midi gets recorded but the audio doesn't. I just don't get it. I am new at using the Kontakt player and the cinematic studio solo strings samples. Thank you for your interest.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Maybe this is a bit to complicated for me...

    @Kymeia might help with this.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @cadman95682 Did you find a solution to your issue? I'm not a Cakewalk uuser myself so I can't reproduce the issue. Maybe a short video of the issue could help us to see what's going on.

  • cadman95682
    cadman95682 Member Posts: 4 Member

    I am doing this with screen shots. I have started with an empty project in cakewalk by bandlab.

    Now, I create an instrument track. I do change the input to midisport channel 1.

    Now I have selected the cello from cinematic studio solo strings. Again i changed the input tp channel 1.

    I have now done a recording and am receiving both audio and midi.

    But, if I don't like my recording and I undo the recording

    and try to record again,

    I only get midi and no audio. I hope this explains it. I did do a recording but it was too big (328 megs for about 38 seconds). Thank you for whatever information you can provide. Is it just operator head space, is it a problem with cakewalk or what? Thank you again. Steve

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