New downloads of recent libraries all have erroneous links for documentation.

DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,010 Guru
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Apparently someone decided to move the documentation links for NI libraries without coordinating with the installation folks of these libraries. I recently purchased a number of new libraries such as Lores, Fables and Schema all of which had web links to erroneous locations when I went to pull up documentation. It's easily fixed but was something that should have been corrected before releasing these libraries. I have no idea how pervasive this is, but it appears to be pretty chronic.


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,062 Guru


    This problem exists, and it's even worse than what @DunedinDragon has said:

    For Fable, the link in the library (drive:)/Native Instruments/Fables/Documentation goes to a 404 page

    There is not a PDF in my local library at all! Okay, fine; NI no longer distributes the PDF with the software or library. Let's fix the 404 errors. If NI needs a full list of libraries that have this problem and need to be fixed, please just ask us. We can probably turn it around in less than a day.

    And here's how it's EVEN WORSE: No link from the library itself within Kontakt! Kontakt has a link under the "Help" dropdown, but that's only for Kontakt documentation, not for the library you're working in. Nowhere on/in the interface, can I find the link to the Fable documentation. I suggest putting a question-mark link into a common place on every library to make it easy for the user to find what he/she needs. Another good place for it might be as a link on the "Help/About"

    Now I know that @DunedinDragon says he fixed his link...but I don't know how to fix mine; not without some additional information. And none of us can add a link to the interface itself. That would be handy and consistent for everybody.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,062 Guru

    I'm also thinking...since EVERYBODY (or almost everybody) has to use Native Access to manage all software and libraries from Native Instruments and partners, another good place to put the documentation link would be on the "slide out" display for each library.

    Stick a link in there to take us directly to the doc. Also, make sure it's downloadable and easily formatted for printing. Some of us might want to use Dropbox or our own NAS for central location of the documentation...or print some of the doc for physical binding.

    I don't know about everybody else, but I usually have NA open somewhere on my desktop anyway and I often alt-tab to it just to see if I have this or that library installed. So a documentation button would be convenient.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,010 Guru

    All I did is do a google query for "Fable manual" for example which gave me a valid link to the online document at NI. I then just copied the URL to the Fable user library location and replaced the old one.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,062 Guru

    Thanks for dropping that knowledge!

    I'll surely do that for Fable and the Schema twins, because they were recent purchases. But my installed software is over 400 titles, plus...I don't have "everything" in the NI catalog. And really, this is something that NI should fix across the board. (hint hint to NI).

    Plus, with Komplete 15 just about due to arrive, this would be a good time to fix those links for everything, right? (hint hint hint to NI, lol!)

    My offer to provide a list is still open, however; at least for the titles that I have. But really, this kind of fix might not be all that complex.

    You can probably put an intern or two on it and get some amazing work out of a young person, while they get valuable work experience in return. I really hope that NI has interns; it would be a shameful missed opportunity if they don't. Nothing more amazing than a person with a resume item that says, "I headed up a project called THE QUESTION MARK project, and I brought it to successful conclusion before the end of my internship. After that, I did a second internship at Johns Hopkins Medical Center working on preventing cancer, and then I designed rockets for Space-X. After that, I graduated from high school, class of 2028.

    I know, right? Go ahead, NI, you can use my idea. I dare you! 🤓

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