Machine Mikro Mk3 not able to use Logic Pro x Midi function

yigek Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi there,

I am not able to use my brand new Machine Mikro Mk3 in Midi function with Logic Pro X. I applied and tested already all videos and steps no luck. This system works normal get sounds however not able to record in Logic Pro x in Midi Mode. I just realized also that i don't have any Machine 2 Virtual Output visible under the Logic Input Port section. Is there anybody had the similar issues before ?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro
    edited February 2024 Answer ✓

    years back on the old forum i was in a thread about using the micro mk3 with logic ,and uploaded a decent template .

    NI deleted the old forum last year , which was a shame because there was a lot of useful information

    its been archived at way back machine . and i spent some time yesterday looking for my post , got to page 100 and gave up , but ive found the template that i uploaded.

    i set the pads up for notes , and a drum bank, spread over the groups , and then i set the buttons for some logic controls, its all named , you can open it in controller editor , I'm not sure if i had a logic template to go with those , but im sure they are the standard mcu controls

    anyway when you went to the maschine midi settings to check the virtual port , did you click on the output tab , your image shows the input tab .

    the mackie template in controller editor , if i remember , might not work, because there’s no notes added to the pads , which is why i made one , so try mine out , and ill go back to the old forum and see if i can find that thread.


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro
    edited February 2024 Answer ✓

    years back on the old forum i was in a thread about using the micro mk3 with logic ,and uploaded a decent template .

    NI deleted the old forum last year , which was a shame because there was a lot of useful information

    its been archived at way back machine . and i spent some time yesterday looking for my post , got to page 100 and gave up , but ive found the template that i uploaded.

    i set the pads up for notes , and a drum bank, spread over the groups , and then i set the buttons for some logic controls, its all named , you can open it in controller editor , I'm not sure if i had a logic template to go with those , but im sure they are the standard mcu controls

    anyway when you went to the maschine midi settings to check the virtual port , did you click on the output tab , your image shows the input tab .

    the mackie template in controller editor , if i remember , might not work, because there’s no notes added to the pads , which is why i made one , so try mine out , and ill go back to the old forum and see if i can find that thread.

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro
    edited February 2024

    There was also this one , where we discussed the virtual port , and I added another template that was a little different.

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro
    edited February 2024

    FYI the pads are on midi channel 2 , because mcu is on channel 1 , and if the pads were on 1 , they interfered with mcu at the time , I made this template a while back so , I don’t know if that’s still the case , or if anything has changed in logic , so if they don’t work on midi channel 2 , change them to 1 and see what happens .

    I mentioned this because , I got a few emails a while back from users who were still using it , and 1 was saying he was having problems with it.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    What are you trying to do? A control surface purpose is not to record MIDI at all, it's to use a device to emulate a mackie controller - So, it's the opposite, it "hijacks" the MIDI sent by the device to do things in the DAW, like control faders, turn functions on/off, show browser, move playhead etc...

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro


    has anyone noticed there’s now a logic virtual midi in/out

    this allows you to run maschine stand alone , and sync it to logic , whilst also being able to send midi too and from both apps

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro
    edited February 2024

    i did a vid , no sound ,because apple haven't cracked recording the internal sound card yet.

    first add a midi track to logic

    in maschine , set the group input , to drum kit mode , and midi to logic virtual port (turn these on in maschine prefs and logic prefs) and the same midi channel as the logic midi track , if you just want to record midi to logic and trigger maschine, set the port to all or to the controller, i was using a hapax , so maschine controller in midi mode will work .

    If you want to record midi from maschine to logic , at sound level , for each sound , set the maschine output to logic virtual port , set each midi channel to the same as the midi track in logic , then transpose each sound as listed below, then set the logic midi port , to all , or the virtual logic port ,

    for some reason if I select the logic virtual port for input ( logic track) when I add a note , with a controller ( hapax) it removes it when the loop reaches the end ( logic annoys me ), but if I add it manually to the maschine pattern, ( with the pencil ) it adds it to logic and it stays there , if I can work out why it’s doing the above you could perhaps use the maschine controller in regular mode .

    in maschine, at sound level , midi out , you have to transpose each sound , I think to match drum kit mode at the input , that was a little trial and error , they seem to not run consecutively

    sound 1 is - 6

    sound 2 is -11

    sound 3 is -10

    sound 4 is -9

    sound 5 is -1

    sound 6 is -7

    sound 7 is -6

    sound 8 is -5

    sound 9 is -4

    sound 10 is 3

    sound 11 is -2

    sound 12 is -1

    sound 13 is 0

    sound 14 is 0

    sound 15 is 8

    sound 16 is 2

    set Maschine to sync to external clock , set logic to transmit clock to logics virtual port and i had to add 50ms delay

    I haven’t tested more than one group or things like automation, and obviously you lose the audio routing of the plugin , maybe with a decent interface, with multi out , you could route the audio through to logic , or with some audio hijack software

    you can’t do this in the plugin because the logic virtual ports don’t show up , if they can make those ports visible to the plugin , that would make maschine and logic much easier to use

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