There HAS to be a way to STOP Maschine from scanning EVERY plugin on start up



  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    @Don1990 wrote:

    Been waiting on simple and BASIC solutions since 2009, […] Thankfully I'm still able to make use of my return policy with a local music shop.

    That must be the most generous return policy of all time in the whole universe!

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    Buy a M+ and live the dream 🤙

    Scanning done in less than a minute and i'm making music shortly after switching on, even it it's scanning a bit longer in the background the 280gb (ish) worth of content. It's what dreams are made of! 😎

  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    lol, of course I sold my 2009 mk1 later down the line. Got the MK2, sold it. MK3 sold it, now I gave the MK3 another chance, but returning it.

    That's like saying: I am having car problems with my Honda. "Well, buy a Mercedes then and live the dream" and the Mercedes has the same issues just "less". lol. No device/DAW should unsolicitedly scan for POTENTIALLY new plugins. We know damn well when we install new plugins, just give us the option to scan whenever we feel like it not every time on startup (like any other device/DAW does).

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    Yeah sorry man, but you have a computer science degree and have been told you can press esc to save the scanning. I just found it slightly amusing and it's perhaps a bit more like saying you a mechanic and have a problem with your Honda????

    Anyway, i'm unaware of such a scanning issue as I haven't personally experienced it, so i'm sorry for not being more sympathetic.

  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    No worries on the sympathy part, I appreciate it though. Not asking for sympathy, I am asking for a SIMPLE not even technical solution. I am glad you are living the dream with your M+ 😬

    And yes, I am willing do fix 1 or 2 things (it's not just the scanning issue) on my Honda but if I have to fix the whole engine? Nah thanks. I'd rather purchase a car that runs 'normal' instead of a car that works 'half normal' with a zillion workarounds. You can enjoy your hooptie.

    "and have been told you can press esc to save the scanning"

    You are proving my whole point lol, did you read my post about usability? How is doing extra steps benefiting usability? One of the MOST important things when it comes to companies that hire technicians/computer scientists. Usability is usually the FIRST thing in the process of inventing/releasing a concept of a product.

  • DeepThumb
    DeepThumb Member Posts: 174 Advisor

    I stop scanning by pressing the ESC button, if I want that. No problem at all for me.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2024

    I had this problem a few times and the solution was always the same, either deactivate or remove a specific plugin... You just have to look at the loading screen and see in what plug name the app stalls in.

    This is the solution 90% of the time, if people bother to pinpoint which plugin causes the issue.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    This works fine - but the real issue here remains the same.

    I fully support scanning - when needed - like I have actually added something new to the plugin pile - what goads me is the "scan no matter what" assumption.

    There is literally no reason whatsoever to ever scan anything when nothing has changed. This behavior is best demonstrated when dragging KK into a new song in Studio One over here - drag, drop and ready -in about 1 ms.


  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member
  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    As has been said (repeatedly) there is a way to stop the scanning. Press escape.

    It's incredible what people find to complain about. 🤣

    Bear in mind what would happen if NI removed the scan at startup. No doubt the forum would be full of people saying they just installed a bunch of plugins but they're not showing up.

    Someone will say all they have to do is go to this location and press that button - but oh no, that's too much trouble. "I have to press a button? Why can't it be done automatically?" and around we go again.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited February 2024

    @PK The DJ

    "Bear in mind what would happen if NI removed the scan at startup. No doubt the forum would be full of people saying they just installed a bunch of plugins but they're not showing up."

    No one is saying "remove" the scan. What should be considered is exactly like Presonus does this.

    In the early going - Studio One treats me like a child that has no idea what is going on (when I first install the program) and subjects me to a plugin scan EVERYTIME I start the program.

    Soon I become familiar with the environment (and the pain that this scan imparts) so Studio One then treats me like an adult by offering me a toggle to turn this ****** off.

    Once that has occurred - it is on me - now and forever - to manage my scan priorities.

    Not a big ask. If a typical user cannot "manage" their own plugins (and scans) in KK - there is something wrong here.


  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    You didn't even read the rest of the convo, you just talk to talk. Read the whole topic again. Everyone and their mother knows the ESC key stops it, but that's one of MANY workarounds NI implemented. If that would be the only thing, nobody would have ever complained. A WORKAROUND, is NOT a fix...damn how can people not comprehend that. Read:

    "And yes, I am willing do fix 1 or 2 things (it's not just the scanning issue) on my Honda but if I have to fix the whole engine? Nah thanks. I'd rather purchase a car that runs 'normal' instead of a car that works 'half normal' with a zillion workarounds. You can enjoy your hooptie."

    Amen! 🙌

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert


    Everyone and their mother knows

    Seems like it's you that needs to "read the whole topic again". Clearly OP did not know about pressing the escape key - hence the thread title and the first post asking for a workaround.

  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    @PK The DJ

    You're talking about "it's not a big issue to press the ESC key". No ******...that's pretty much what I am saying in all of my previous posts. I know the OP asked for a workaround, I am just stating that there is a simple FIX instead of WORKAROUND.

    Do you prefer a electric start on a dirtbike or a kick-start? No, it not a big issue to start it with a kick-start. But everyone and their mother prefer powering on the dirtbike with electric start.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert
    edited February 2024

    @Don1990 Earlier you said "How is doing extra steps benefiting usability?"

    Well there's either going to be an "extra step" pressing esc at the start.......or, if the startup scan is not taking place, an "extra step" when you DO need to scan.

    It doesn't need a FIX because nothing is BROKEN.

    [edit] I just noticed, in your first post of this thread, you said that you're out and you're not coming back.

    Why are you still here? 🤣

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