Copy a Strummed Acoustic chord progression?

Jeffy G
Jeffy G Member Posts: 26 Member

If I have a chord progression created with Strummed Acoustic on a track in my DAW, then add Electric Mint on the next track, is there a way to copy the acoustic chord progression?

At the moment, I'm writing down the chords from the Strummed Acoustic track and re-creating the chord progression on the Electric Mint track, where I'm playing a counter melody over they same chords. Sure would be nice if multiple instances of any Session Guitar instruments could share the chord progression of the initial rhythm track.

Best Answer

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Maybe you can just load multiple libraries inside one Kontalt track, so that you don't have to waste CPU.

    Try it.

    Try to open these 2 guitar libraires and then play the chord progression.

    Let me know how it went.


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Maybe you can just load multiple libraries inside one Kontalt track, so that you don't have to waste CPU.

    Try it.

    Try to open these 2 guitar libraires and then play the chord progression.

    Let me know how it went.

  • Jeffy G
    Jeffy G Member Posts: 26 Member

    Interesting! The chord progression plays in both instruments, which kinda makes sense since the midi trigger notes are from the same single track in my DAW. I need to learn more about this. First, with multiple instruments loaded (especially if they are of significantly different types) the trigger notes might do totally different things - although this seemed to work with Strummed Acoustic and Electric Mint, being both Session Guitar instruments. Which is the master and which is the slave?

    My objective was to have the second guitar (Electric Mint) play a counter melody over the chord progression of the first (Strummed Acoustic). Since they share the same track in my DAW, there's no way to record the 2nd guitar counter melody. This is why I was leaning towards the copy, cut & paste idea. But, now that I think this through, it doesn't seem possible. Only the midi trigger notes on my DAW track define the chord progression. The 'chord progression' is not a thing stored in the instrument. If I over-right those notes with a counter melody, I lose the chord progression.

    I was distracted by Scaler 2, which allows you to share a chord progression between multiple Scaler instances, and you can define the master. Then, if you make changes to the progression in the master, all the slave instances of Scaler adopt the same change.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    I mean, if you want the Electric Mint to be the master, just increase the volume of the Mint a litte bit while making the strummed acoustic a bit more quiet...

  • Jono Rezzillo
    Jono Rezzillo Member Posts: 32 Member

    Simply copy the session acoustic chords into a new group and add the mint guitar, and even change how it’s triggered! 9 any amounts of playability here and Very simple indeed to do.

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