Snapmorph Macro: In the Function Tab, where is "Snap Isolate" in Reaktor 6?

P-box Member Posts: 60 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Hi Community-

followed ADSR tutorial to construct Snapmorph macro, to morph between 2 snapshots.

At the end of the tutorial, in the Function settings, a "Snap Isolate" box was checked.

There is no similar feature in Reaktor 6. The tutorial was done in R5.

Is this macro defunct? or is there a different way to access the "Snap Isolate" feature in R6?

I get no hit in any of the manuals when searching term: snap isolate (or even snap)


PS Also, when wired up, this module does not populate data in the Snaphot dropdown menu, which seems odd. Why would the feature be on the GUI if not active? And furthermore, there is no "A" input connection inside the Macro in the Snapshot module. Also not intuitive to me. Did the video complete prior to additional potential features being added?

Reaktor - Automated Snapshot Morphing - How to Tutorial

(had to delete the actual youtube link - "you haven't been around long enough to post links...) but a youtube search with above title will load the tutorial (if needed)

This youtube is the ADSR tutorial. At minute 9:10 it demonstrates toggling on the Snap Isolate feature in the Functions Editing Tab in Reaktor 5

Best Answer

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Just click into the structure and look to see where those outputs originate. You will see that they come from the 'snapshot' module... and if you hover over those ports on the snapshot module, you'll get a tool tip explaining... (assuming you have tool tips active.

    Basically, those outputs just pass out the indices of the two snapshots being morphed... this might be useful if you needed that info for some reason, but you don't need to use it,


  • P-box
    P-box Member Posts: 60 Member

    OK, already figured out a few things with the drop down menu of the presets.

    Looking at the Snapshot Module and the manual and trying to build my own.

    Don't spend any time yet, except perhaps to answer whether Reaktor 6 took out the Snap Isolate feature, and if so, what replaces this function option.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    Make sure you are clicking on the item you want to isolate from snapshots, parameters are context dependent. Also remember that that parameter will only be available where it makes sense, it it exists for a knob or fader, but not for an addition module...

    Note that there are instrument level snapshots and ensemble level snapshots... if you create (automatically or otherwise) e.g. an instument level snapshot, it won't appear in the ensemble snapshots list, and vice versa...

  • P-box
    P-box Member Posts: 60 Member

    Please forgive my ignorance,

    The Snapshot Macro module accessed from the searchbox: what are the outputs connected to?

    It is functioning without any outports connected. (Which is great). But what are the outports intended to add, and the manual just says what they are, without a image of the module and its outports in use.

    Does anyone have a module they can take a screenshot of with the Snapshot module wired up?

    The ENS I attached has a few user library snapshot macro's as well, but can't figure them out, and may not even need them. The one labeled Snapshot Morph needs a clock source input(?) and again, what are the A and B out ports intended to be connected to?

    Thanks in advance!

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Just click into the structure and look to see where those outputs originate. You will see that they come from the 'snapshot' module... and if you hover over those ports on the snapshot module, you'll get a tool tip explaining... (assuming you have tool tips active.

    Basically, those outputs just pass out the indices of the two snapshots being morphed... this might be useful if you needed that info for some reason, but you don't need to use it,

  • P-box
    P-box Member Posts: 60 Member

    Hi @colB,

    If I understand you correctly, the name (and Function) of "Snap Isolate" in Reaktor 5 was changed to "Include in Snapshots" in Reaktor 6.

    This is very helpful!

    Thank you!

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru
    edited January 2024

    Yeah, I think maybe 'snap isolate' is somewhat cryptic, whereas 'include in snapshots' is very clear and intuitive, so they made the change. Only issue is they are inverse, so where you would check one, you uncheck the other.

    To be honest, I didn't even notice the change, I just look in that part of the properties pane for the bit that deals with that functionality, and make sure it's set correctly...

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