need urgent help

Veronica Member Posts: 27 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi Everyone, I'm new here.

I'm in serious need of help. I have been using Native Instruments for a while now, well, I have it on my computer but not using it as much as I should've because of some ****** in my life.

Anyway, I'm getting my music career back on track.

SO, my issue:

I open Logic and a music software track and select Komplete Kontrol. I see all my plugins and click on some sounds to choose one, and I can hear the sounds BUT when I double-click to load the sound I get a message telling me that the sound is not found and that I need to go to the plugins manager to scan and reset manually.

I do that once, and all my native instruments are successfully validated... but yet it's still not working. Then I run the scan for a second time then a third and it still doesn't work.

I don't understand why suddenly this is not working anymore when it was working 2 months ago.

I really feel hopeless right now and discouraged, any help will be much appreciated.


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