Purchasing Issues (Komplete Ultimate 14 Upgrade)

Universon Member Posts: 38 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General


I decided to purchase the KU14 Winter Offer, with $50/£45 off.

The site crashed on the last page of transaction.

I now have an order "Pending Payment".

This Payment will not occur because it was incomplete.

I have no way to update the payment.

Does anyone know how to actually go back in and finish off a payment that has ended prematurely like this?

I could buy it again, but then I would miss out on the $45/£50 off that I had applied to it.

I cannot "Cancel" this transaction (and if I could it would probably mean I lose the $45/£50 discount)

I've contacted NI but they are all on holiday I guess.

Anyone have any clue how to get out of this Limbo/Holding Pattern and complete the purchase?



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    Nobody here except maybe @Jeremy_NI can help and else you will have to wait for support (that you have already contacted) which is of course neither what you want nor what you are looking for !

  • Universon
    Universon Member Posts: 38 Member

    Ah damn.... haha, thanks for the help, I hear what you're saying. Online purchase festive fun and frolics it would appear

  • Universon
    Universon Member Posts: 38 Member

    The order is now canceller, not by me...

    Now it wont allow me to add the xmas discount.... giving me the "cant apply to discounted" message.... it didnt do that before....

  • Universon
    Universon Member Posts: 38 Member


    After multiple hours and attempts to get the £45 discount I was just able to re-apply the code: NI-HOLIDAYS23-GB and it gave me the reduced price I had available to me the last few days with it updated in front of me and there being a green box of success at top of screen to confirm this.

    However it then made me log back into my account.

    At this point it then refused to apply the discount, the box was red/pink and it said that I couldn't apply to already discounted items.

    Could this please be remedied for me please so that I might complete my purchase?

    Best wishes

  • Universon
    Universon Member Posts: 38 Member

    Here is a screenshot of both products selected (both of which previously received the discount when individual, and where if both were selected then 1 received it).... here the £50/$45 is not applied... message in contradiction with previous, and with statements made on site...

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    I am not sure what you are doing here !? Why are you trying to buy these two at the same time ? Purchase does not fit together ! If you get the Ultimate Upgrade for Select then after buying that then you would have to buy the Collectors Upgrade for Ultimate ! Or if you want to buy the Collectors Edition and not use the Select as base product then you should not have the Ultimate Upgrade for Select in the basket.

    You can see all the Upgrades and Upgrade prices on the compare page !

    Anyway , you might have a voucher issue because the shop apparently are capable of assigning issues to the account (please see here for another example of a voucher problem) in which case you will have to contact support and have them fix this (Jeremy were not here yesterday and most likely then will not be back until in the new year. ). However then since the above pictured attempted use of voucher for purchase is in a situation that shop wise does not make sense then I do not see it explicitly as a proof of a problem with the voucher , as in the shown situation it could also just be the shop giving a wrong error to an obvious shop problem ! If you want to make sure that the voucher does not work then try using it for either of the products rather than for both at the same time. If that doesn't work then contact support !

  • Universon
    Universon Member Posts: 38 Member
    edited December 2023


    [Note: This message was written in frustration 'still' and so the tone sounds off, apologies for that]

    I was not trying to buy both, I was just demonstrating in 1 picture that it will not apply the £45 discount code to both/either. So rather than a picture for each one, I put them both in 1 basket, if the code had worked then 1 of them / the total would have been discounted - but neither was.

    Re: Upgrades, I cannot upgrade from Select (12) to Collectors, only to Ultimate, I have to either Upgrade to Ultimate or Buy Collectors outright, I guess I could upgrade after, but that wasn't what I was looking at here.

    The above picture was NOT the original purchase attempt... in the original purchase attempt I did NOT get the pink/red message in a box denying me, I received a green box with success text, and the discount was applied. Here i'm just showing that the discount is not applied - Their system isn't intelligent enough to care about whether the software order isn't sensible (1 could be a gift etc...). The image above is explicit proof of the issue, it's just wrapped up in 1 picture, not 2, as summation of the exact same result i'm now getting for either of the softwares.... I just put them in 1 purchase to avoid the need to put 2 pictures up.

    It's 100% not a wrong voucher with an obvious shop problem, as from my original post, where I attempted to purchase one, it worked, with a "right voucher" and subsequently it now fails.

    As per original, and all other posts, I was doing this for individual software, the image here is just a summative, so that I didn't have to post 2 pictures, I did this after the issue occurring with a single software purchase.

    The problem is exactly as i've described.

    I only ever tried to purchase 1 software, it worked, then the payment page failed, then it sayed "payment pending" when my payment details didn't get sent (site crash), I could do nothing to cancel/correct/continue the order, then NI end cancelled the order, then the voucher that had previously worked no longer worked... this was for individual title, neither of these individual titles accept the discount code any more, and here in this image I put them both together, whereby it should have applied once, to one of them, but doesn't - thus demonstrating that it is no longer working.

    My best guess is - When I got through the payment part, and it went wrong... it registered the £45 as "used".... so the issue is (I imagine), false positive registration of voucher use (with incorrect message).... and the solution being the reinstatement of voucher, or equal discount through alternative issue of another individual voucher, or resetting my "use" to false/not used etc.....

  • Universon
    Universon Member Posts: 38 Member

    Anyways - apologies if the tone above was harsh, i'm just frustrated with this situation, but what you wrote took my issue and span it in a different direction that wasn't correct, so could have taken any help from NI that I might have received and ran that in a different direction with it.... thanks for your help, really appreciated, even if frustration is expressed more clearly ;)

  • Kie
    Kie Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited December 2023

    Hi @Universon

    I've had a similar issue. I initially tried to purchase Komplete 14 update and the £45 discount voucher code was accepted. However, I had issues with the payment going through which meant I was unable to proceed with the transaction..

    I now receive the same message as you do, when attempting to add the voucher code.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    I don't know if Universon have had his problem purchasing solved but as you can see from this and the other thread were you also posted then either you will have to contact support or we will have to have @Jeremy_NI take a look at the issues of you and Universon ! I think that Jeremy is not here today but he might be back tomorrow !

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,361 mod
    edited January 2024

    I'm not sure if voucher is meant to be used with already discounted items? (I seem to remember reading that in another thread about this because I was also trying to use it to purchase something that was already on sale)

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Then why do we have these 50 or 70$ vouchers if we can't even use them since pretty much EVERY PRODUCT is discounted? (sorry for the caps, I am just a bit dissapointed...)

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Are there any products I can use my voucher with?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,361 mod
    edited January 2024

    I just read someone saying exactly what you just did in another thread, what's the point if you can't buy anything till the sale is over, but I just read the terms and conditions and it doesn't mention that so maybe I'm wrong about that in this instance? Anyway looks like it's expired

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Well, bad things can happen.

    That is life.

This discussion has been closed.
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