Reaktor Blocks - ports gone

Bernd Scheurer
Bernd Scheurer Member Posts: 28 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

hi community,

after working with reaktor for one year,i tried to build with blocks/racks. its a lot of fun, but today, all new added blocks appear without ports. when i load an older preset, the blocks appear with ports. in the panel-view menu, ports & wires are active. in the structure-pane all ports and wires are visible. what can i do, to get the ports an wires back?

best regards, bernd



  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    Hold 'CTRL' and press '3' on your keyboard

  • Bernd Scheurer
    Bernd Scheurer Member Posts: 28 Member
    edited March 2022

    hi colB, thanks for reply.

    press "CTRL" and "3" is the same, i mentioned in my question: "in the panel-view menu, ports & wires are active." both are active.

    loading older setups: ports and wires are visible.

    add a new module, ports are missing in the panel view...

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    In that case, maybe you are loading older versions of the Blocks that don't have visible ports. Versions from before the patch and play update was released?

    Check in the properties for the various inputs and outputs, on the Blocks that are not working. Is 'on' checked in the 'visible' properties for those ports?

  • Bernd Scheurer
    Bernd Scheurer Member Posts: 28 Member

    ok. try to find the "visible properties". properties of a block shows only a info-text.

    the blocks-area is completely new for me (until yesterday i worked only at primary-level). the blocks-manual doesnt show something about set ports visible/invisible.

    i think, there are no older blocks in my setup.

    yesterday i tried my first setup, all was working ok. then i start e new rack an all modules (bento for ex.) dont show ports and wires. loading the last working rack and all was fine again. but place a additional bento-modul and for this modul the ports are gone...

  • Bernd Scheurer
    Bernd Scheurer Member Posts: 28 Member

    now i am back from teaching und stertet a new try. this is a new rack. the util-modules are showing their ports. but the added bento-OSC has no ports in the panel-view. in the structure-view, all parts are visible.

    i cant find any "visible" properties for this ports. the only property-info for the osc-block is the description. the blocks-manual doesnt also show any properties for the ports.

    where can i find this port-properties?

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    Pretty sure you can't edit properties in Rack mode.

    Can you save it as an ensemble and post the ensemble?

  • Bernd Scheurer
    Bernd Scheurer Member Posts: 28 Member

    thanks :-)

    now i have saved it as an ensemble (s. attachement). but there are no poperties for the ports...

  • Bernd Scheurer
    Bernd Scheurer Member Posts: 28 Member

    i get the problem! 😀

    First of all, thank you for your patience while reading and commenting!

    it seems like i have - for reasons unknown to me - two different versions of bento- and util blocks on my computer. some have ports, others don't.

    what can i do to get rid of the portless versions? where do i find the? or does it make sense to reinstall Reaktor? If yes, how do i do that?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,448 mod
    edited April 2022

    Reaktor Library -> Reaktor Blocks -> Blocks Base -> Blocks

    Nope, there is no need to reinstall Reaktor!

    However, i can't see any problem in your ensemble, all ports are there, you only need to connect them!

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